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14 stycznia 2020 - Koniec wsparcia Microsoftu dla Windows 7 ×

Windows7 x64 - optymalizacja (prośba o pomoc)


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Pomoc jest darmowa, ale proszę rozważ przekazanie dotacji na utrzymanie serwisu: klik.
ale sam start jest imo powolny


Nic nie wiadomo co jest zainstalowane, jaki zestaw startowy. Aka = proszę o logi z OTL.


hiberfil.sys i SWAP wyłączyłem ręcznie


Nawet jeśli masz horrendalną ilość GB RAM, to i tak pagefile.sys powinien być włączony, choćby najmniejszy. "Wyłączenie" swap to mitomania optymalizacji, niektóre aplikacje mogą zwracać błędy, a poza tym system nie będzie w stanie utworzyć zrzutu pamięci. Do poczytania także: Pushing the Limits of Windows: Virtual Memory.




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"ale sam start jest imo powolny" = to ile ten start trwa i na którym etapie? Z logów nic szczególnego nie wynika (nawiasem: ustawieniem miało być "Użyj filtrowania" a nie "Wszystko"). Choć lista sterowników wygląda dziwacznie (tylko ... dwa tam widać!), to nie jest przypadkiem log zmanipulowany? Z Autostartu możesz wyłączyć wpisy Adobe ARM i SunJavaUpdateSched, ale zabójczysz efektów nie będzie (zapewne: w ogóle brak widzialnych efektów).



to ile SWAPu? standardowe 8G?


Wygląda na to, że nie wczytałeś się w podawany artykuł, który udziela odpowiedzi na to pytanie:


How Big Should I Make the Paging File?


Perhaps one of the most commonly asked questions related to virtual memory is, how big should I make the paging file? There’s no end of ridiculous advice out on the web and in the newsstand magazines that cover Windows, and even Microsoft has published misleading recommendations. Almost all the suggestions are based on multiplying RAM size by some factor, with common values being 1.2, 1.5 and 2. Now that you understand the role that the paging file plays in defining a system’s commit limit and how processes contribute to the commit charge, you’re well positioned to see how useless such formulas truly are.


Since the commit limit sets an upper bound on how much private and pagefile-backed virtual memory can be allocated concurrently by running processes, the only way to reasonably size the paging file is to know the maximum total commit charge for the programs you like to have running at the same time. If the commit limit is smaller than that number, your programs won’t be able to allocate the virtual memory they want and will fail to run properly.


So how do you know how much commit charge your workloads require? You might have noticed in the screenshots that Windows tracks that number and Process Explorer shows it: Peak Commit Charge. To optimally size your paging file you should start all the applications you run at the same time, load typical data sets, and then note the commit charge peak (or look at this value after a period of time where you know maximum load was attained). Set the paging file minimum to be that value minus the amount of RAM in your system (if the value is negative, pick a minimum size to permit the kind of crash dump you are configured for). If you want to have some breathing room for potentially large commit demands, set the maximum to double that number.




Paging file configuration is in the System properties, which you can get to by typing "sysdm.cpl" into the Run dialog, clicking on the Advanced tab, clicking on the Performance Options button, clicking on the Advanced tab (this is really advanced), and then clicking on the Change button:


You’ll notice that the default configuration is for Windows to automatically manage the page file size. When that option is set on Windows XP and Server 2003, Windows creates a single paging file that’s minimum size is 1.5 times RAM if RAM is less than 1GB, and RAM if it's greater than 1GB, and that has a maximum size that's three times RAM. On Windows Vista and Server 2008, the minimum is intended to be large enough to hold a kernel-memory crash dump and is RAM plus 300MB or 1GB, whichever is larger. The maximum is either three times the size of RAM or 4GB, whichever is larger. That explains why the peak commit on my 8GB 64-bit system that’s visible in one of the screenshots is 32GB. I guess whoever wrote that code got their guidance from one of those magazines I mentioned!


Tu nie ma żadnej gotowej recepty jak ustawić "swap". To zależy od zapotrzebowań systemu i należy to samemu obliczyć wg danych z monitoringu. I wątpliwe, że aż 8GB jest wymagane.





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