Skocz do zawartości
14 stycznia 2020 - Koniec wsparcia Microsoftu dla Windows 7 ×

Nie można włączyć zapory systemu windows, steama itd...

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

1 Kolego Drogi, znowu klikasz zanim przeczytasz. Wszystko masz napisane w poście 4 + obrazki. 

Zakładając, że plik pobrałeś na pulpit - to masz informację jak uruchomić rekonstrukcję usług za pomocą tego narzędzia. Uruchom cmd  (wiersz polecenia) jako admin i wpisz tę ścieżkę co na obrazku (ten plik musi mieć nazwę ESETSirefefCleaner i być na pulpicie.



2 Zobacz czy w trybie awaryjnym da się zaimportować te dane do rejestru. 

Odnośnik do komentarza
Pomoc jest darmowa, ale proszę rozważ przekazanie dotacji na utrzymanie serwisu: klik.

Microsoft Windows [Wersja 6.1.7601]
Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.

C:\Windows\system32>%userprofile%\Desktop\ESETSirefefCleaner.exe /r
Nazwa 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\ESETSirefefCleaner.exe' nie jest rozpoznawana jako
 polecenie wewnętrzne lub zewnętrzne,
program wykonywalny lub plik wsadowy.


Odnośnik do komentarza

Nie no, szanowny autorze, to co na screenie chciałem zebys uruchomił w normalnym trybie. 


Tryb awaryjny jako sprawdzenie czy tam jest ok i do wykonania kolejnych krokow. Dla mnie szokiem jest to, ze nie potrafisz sie do wskazowek zastosowac. Ile postow jeszcze potrzebujesz, zeby uruchomić ESETSirefefCleaner.exe z przełącznikiem /r ? 



Prosiłem Cię, żebyś go skopiował na pulpit, podawałem poprawne ścieżki, a Ty lakonicznie stwierdzales, ze "nie działa". Teraz w 85 poście napisales, ze nie ma takiego pliku na pulpicie. Jezeli nie bedziesz sie stosowal do moich porad to przestane Ci pomagac.


Powtarzam jeszcze raz:

Pobierz ten program: , następnie kliknij na niego prawym przyciskiem myszy z wciśniętym klawiszem shift - wybierz opcję: kopiuj jako ścieżkę. 

Następnie uruchom jako administrator wiersz polecenia, kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy na czarne tlo, wybierz opcje wklej, nastepnie dopisz po spacji: /r 

Zatwierdź enterem. W folderze, w ktorym znajduje sie ten program ESETSirefefCleaner zostanie utworzony plik tekstowy o poczatku ESETSirefefCleaner, wstaw go tutaj. 

Odnośnik do komentarza

Chodzi o dokument w notatniku, który powstaje?


Niestety nie mogę go wstawić na forum/stronę bo pisze, ze nie mam uprawnień do wysylania tego typu plikow, ale skopiowalem: (ew jeszcze mam coś takiego z konsoli)


[2017.06.05 17:25:10.979] -
[2017.06.05 17:25:10.980] -     ....................................
[2017.06.05 17:25:10.981] -   ..::::::::::::::::::....................
[2017.06.05 17:25:10.981] -   .::EEEEEE:::SSSSSS::..EEEEEE..TTTTTTTT..    Win32/Sirefef
[2017.06.05 17:25:10.983] -  .::EE::::EE:SS:::::::.EE....EE....TT......   Version:
[2017.06.05 17:25:10.983] -  .::EEEEEEEE::SSSSSS::.EEEEEEEE....TT......   Built: Dec  3 2015
[2017.06.05 17:25:10.984] -  .::EE:::::::::::::SS:.EE..........TT......
[2017.06.05 17:25:10.985] -   .::EEEEEE:::SSSSSS::..EEEEEE.....TT.....    Copyright © ESET, spol. s r.o.
[2017.06.05 17:25:10.985] -   ..::::::::::::::::::....................    1992-2015. All rights reserved.
[2017.06.05 17:25:10.986] -     ....................................
[2017.06.05 17:25:10.986] -
[2017.06.05 17:25:10.986] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2017.06.05 17:25:10.986] -
[2017.06.05 17:25:10.986] - INFO: OS: 6.1.7601 SP1
[2017.06.05 17:25:10.987] - INFO: Product Type: Workstation
[2017.06.05 17:25:10.987] - INFO: WoW64: True
[2017.06.05 17:25:10.987] - INFO: Machine guid: 7DF91355-C436-4D0B-9B71-8B08B00288FC
[2017.06.05 17:25:10.987] -
[2017.06.05 17:25:11.021] - INFO: EULA Accepted
[2017.06.05 17:25:11.022] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2017.06.05 17:25:11.022] - INFO: Scanning for system infection...
[2017.06.05 17:25:11.022] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2017.06.05 17:25:11.022] -
[2017.06.05 17:25:11.023] -
[2017.06.05 17:25:11.023] - INFO: Current Shell HKLM [explorer.exe].
[2017.06.05 17:25:11.023] - INFO: Current SubSystems [%SystemRoot%\system32\csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows SharedSection=1024,20480,768 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=basesrv,1 ServerDll=winsrv:UserServerDllInitialization,3 ServerDll=winsrv:ConServerDllInitialization,2 ServerDll=sxssrv,4 ProfileControl=Off MaxRequestThreads=16].
[2017.06.05 17:25:11.036] -
[2017.06.05 17:25:11.049] -
[2017.06.05 17:25:11.049] - INFO: Win64/Sirefef not found

Odnośnik do komentarza

Nie było mnie cały dzień, ale wróciłem, nie wiem jak się otworzyły dwa bo od razu wpisywałem z /r ale przepraszam oraz wstawiam nowe: (tak jest całe oraz z trybu awaryjnego, ponieważ nie działa mi CMD normalnie jako administrator)



[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] -     ....................................
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] -   ..::::::::::::::::::....................
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] -   .::EEEEEE:::SSSSSS::..EEEEEE..TTTTTTTT..    Win32/Sirefef
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] -  .::EE::::EE:SS:::::::.EE....EE....TT......   Version:
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] -  .::EEEEEEEE::SSSSSS::.EEEEEEEE....TT......   Built: Dec  3 2015
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] -  .::EE:::::::::::::SS:.EE..........TT......
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] -   .::EEEEEE:::SSSSSS::..EEEEEE.....TT.....    Copyright © ESET, spol. s r.o.
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] -   ..::::::::::::::::::....................    1992-2015. All rights reserved.
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] -     ....................................
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] - INFO: OS: 6.1.7601 SP1
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] - INFO: Product Type: Workstation
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] - INFO: WoW64: True
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] - INFO: Machine guid: 7DF91355-C436-4D0B-9B71-8B08B00288FC
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.312] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.468] - INFO: EULA Accepted
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.468] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.468] - INFO: Scanning for system infection...
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.484] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.484] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.484] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.484] - INFO: Current Shell HKLM [explorer.exe].
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.484] - INFO: Current SubSystems [%SystemRoot%\system32\csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows SharedSection=1024,20480,768 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=basesrv,1 ServerDll=winsrv:UserServerDllInitialization,3 ServerDll=winsrv:ConServerDllInitialization,2 ServerDll=sxssrv,4 ProfileControl=Off MaxRequestThreads=16].
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.484] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.515] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.531] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Restoring default settings of system services...
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Processing registry key [\System\CurrentControlset\Services\BFE\DisplayName] ...
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Current value matches known good one and will be skipped.
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Processing registry key [\System\CurrentControlset\Services\BFE\Group] ...
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Current value matches known good one and will be skipped.
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Processing registry key [\System\CurrentControlset\Services\BFE\ImagePath] ...
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Current value matches known good one and will be skipped.
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Processing registry key [\System\CurrentControlset\Services\BFE\Description] ...
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Current value matches known good one and will be skipped.
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Processing registry key [\System\CurrentControlset\Services\BFE\ObjectName] ...
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Current value matches known good one and will be skipped.
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Processing registry key [\System\CurrentControlset\Services\BFE\ErrorControl] ...
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Current value matches known good one and will be skipped.
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Processing registry key [\System\CurrentControlset\Services\BFE\Start] ...
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Current value matches known good one and will be skipped.
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Processing registry key [\System\CurrentControlset\Services\BFE\Type] ...
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Current value matches known good one and will be skipped.
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Processing registry key [\System\CurrentControlset\Services\BFE\DependOnService] ...
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - ERROR: Failed to read [DependOnService] value!
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Overwriting [DependOnService] value succeeded.
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Processing registry key [\System\CurrentControlset\Services\BFE\ServiceSidType] ...
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Current value matches known good one and will be skipped.
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Processing registry key [\System\CurrentControlset\Services\BFE\RequiredPrivileges] ...
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - ERROR: Failed to read [RequiredPrivileges] value!
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Overwriting [RequiredPrivileges] value succeeded.
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Processing registry key [\System\CurrentControlset\Services\BFE\FailureActions] ...
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Current value matches known good one and will be skipped.
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Processing registry key [\System\CurrentControlset\Services\BFE\Parameters\ServiceDll] ...
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Current value matches known good one and will be skipped.
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Processing registry key [\System\CurrentControlset\Services\BFE\Parameters\ServiceDllUnloadOnStop] ...
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Current value matches known good one and will be skipped.
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] -
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Processing registry key [\System\CurrentControlset\Services\BFE\Parameters\ServiceMain] ...
[2017.06.06 22:10:21.546] - INFO: Current value matches known good one and will be skipped.

Odnośnik do komentarza

Dwie rzeczy zostały naprawione, nie wiem na ile to były faktyczne uchybienia i na ile poważnie., 

W każdym razie teraz Cię proszę, abyś w normalnym trybie wykonał ponowny skan w FRST (nie zapomnij, żeby Addition było zaznaczone). Zrób też proszę ponowny skan w farbar service scanner. Także trzy rzeczy masz do zrobienia. Sprawdź czy cmd będzie działać czy nie. 

Odnośnik do komentarza

CMD się nie włączyło, tutaj trzy rzeczy:




Farbar Service Scanner Version: 27-01-2016
Ran by Admin (administrator) on 06-06-2017 at 23:02:57
Running from "C:\Users\Admin\Downloads"
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium  Service Pack 1 (X64)
Boot Mode: Network

Internet Services:

Connection Status:
Localhost is accessible.
LAN connected.
Google IP is accessible. is accessible. is accessible.

Windows Firewall:

Firewall Disabled Policy:

System Restore:
SDRSVC Service is not running. Checking service configuration:
The start type of SDRSVC service is OK.
The ImagePath of SDRSVC service is OK.
The ServiceDll of SDRSVC service is OK.

VSS Service is not running. Checking service configuration:
The start type of VSS service is OK.
The ImagePath of VSS service is OK.

System Restore Policy:

Action Center:

wscsvc Service is not running. Checking service configuration:
The start type of wscsvc service is OK.
The ImagePath of wscsvc service is OK.
The ServiceDll of wscsvc service is OK.

Windows Update:
wuauserv Service is not running. Checking service configuration:
The start type of wuauserv service is OK.
The ImagePath of wuauserv service is OK.
The ServiceDll of wuauserv service is OK.

BITS Service is not running. Checking service configuration:
The start type of BITS service is OK.
The ImagePath of BITS service is OK.
The ServiceDll of BITS service is OK.

EventSystem Service is not running. Checking service configuration:
The start type of EventSystem service is OK.
The ImagePath of EventSystem service is OK.
The ServiceDll of EventSystem service is OK.

Windows Autoupdate Disabled Policy:

Windows Defender:
WinDefend Service is not running. Checking service configuration:
The start type of WinDefend service is set to Demand. The default start type is Auto.
The ImagePath of WinDefend service is OK.
The ServiceDll of WinDefend service is OK.

Windows Defender Disabled Policy:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender]

Other Services:

File Check:
C:\Windows\System32\nsisvc.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nsiproxy.sys => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\dhcpcore.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\drivers\afd.sys => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\drivers\tdx.sys => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\tcpip.sys => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\dnsrslvr.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\dnsapi.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dnsapi.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\mpssvc.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\bfe.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mpsdrv.sys => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\SDRSVC.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\vssvc.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\wscsvc.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\wbem\WMIsvc.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\wuaueng.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\qmgr.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\es.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\cryptsvc.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MpSvc.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\ipnathlp.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\iphlpsvc.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\rpcss.dll => File is digitally signed

**** End of log ****



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