robbo Opublikowano 17 Listopada 2010 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 17 Listopada 2010 witam, zainstalowalem wlasnie win7, ale nie jest on po polsku :/ . W panel control --> clock i langue pozmieniane mam wszystko na polski, ale dalej jest po angielsku jak to zmienic ? Odnośnik do komentarza
picasso Opublikowano 17 Listopada 2010 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 17 Listopada 2010 Cytat W panel control --> clock i langue pozmieniane mam wszystko na polski, ale dalej jest po angielsku jak to zmienic ? Rozwiń Panel sterowania > Zegar, język i region > Zmień język wyświetlania > należy oczywiście zainstalować polskie MUI z Windows Update. Jeśli nie masz tej opcji, masz edycję Windows 7, która nie umożliwia zmiany języka (czyli inną niż Ultimate lub Enterprise). Dla takich niezgodne z licencją obejście: Vistalizator. Odnośnik do komentarza
robbo Opublikowano 17 Listopada 2010 Autor Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 17 Listopada 2010 vistalizator pomogl a dlaczego w panelu pokazuje zainstalowane RAM 4GB (dostepne 3GB) ? nie widzi dalej mojego ramu jak XP ? Odnośnik do komentarza
picasso Opublikowano 17 Listopada 2010 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 17 Listopada 2010 Cytat a dlaczego w panelu pokazuje zainstalowane RAM 4GB (dostepne 3GB) ? nie widzi dalej mojego ramu jak XP ? Mówisz o XP vs. Windows 7 (co nie ma znaczenia w tym kontekście), a nic nie ma o bitach. Masz Windows 7 32-bit czy 64-bit? Windows 7 32-bit = będzie korzystał tylko z nieco ponad 3GB (architektura wyklucza obsłużenie maxa), a dla pocieszenia oczu (i tylko pocieszenia oczu) będzie pokazywał zainstalowane 4GB. Odnośnik do komentarza
robbo Opublikowano 18 Listopada 2010 Autor Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 18 Listopada 2010 co do win7 64-bit, nie ma pozniej problemow z programami, komputer sluzy glownie do internetu i tam zadnego wyszukiwanego oprogramowania nie uzywam? Czy uzywajac wersji 30dniowej, do ktorej pozniej jest potrzebny klucz jest legalne ? Odnośnik do komentarza
Flavius Opublikowano 18 Listopada 2010 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 18 Listopada 2010 Skoro to system 64bit i problem z RAM to 1.BIOS>>Advance>>Chipset>>North Bridge Configuration i załączyć Enebled Memory Remaping (w zależności od modelu płyty menu może się nieco różnić) 2.msconfig>>rozruch>>opcje zaawansowane i sprawdzić czy przypadkiem nie zostały określone limity pamięci Jeśli opcja jest nieskonfigurowana to OK,na tym ustawieniu komputer ma wykorzystywać wszystkie zasoby Cytat Czy uzywajac wersji 30dniowej, do ktorej pozniej jest potrzebny klucz jest legalne ? Rozwiń Tak,w przeciwnym wypadku po co MS by tworzył takie okresy ?To twój wybór czy po tym okresie zarejestrojesz system czy go sformatujesz BTW Okres próby mozna wydłużyć o kolejne dni komendą slmgr -rearm jeśli to system ze sklepu z pudełka Odnośnik do komentarza
picasso Opublikowano 18 Listopada 2010 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 18 Listopada 2010 Ja czytam, że on nie ma 64-bitowej wersji, bo się pyta czy będzie problem z programami: Cytat co do win7 64-bit, nie ma pozniej problemow z programami, komputer sluzy glownie do internetu i tam zadnego wyszukiwanego oprogramowania nie uzywam? Rozwiń robbo Grom prostych programów 32-bit spokojnie się uruchamia na 64-bit. Skoro głównie "do internetu" (przeglądarki / poczta / pobieranie), nie widzę problemu. Standardowo zresztą domyślną wersją Internet Explorer na 64-bitach jest właśnie wersja 32-bit (dla uniknięcia problemów z wtyczkami mającymi warianty tylko 32-bitowe). Wszystkie alternatywne przeglądarki (32-bitowe, toteż i aplikują się wszystkie wtyczki doń) bez problemu się uruchamiają. Klienty torrent czy inne takie motywy również będą działać. To z czym będzie problem (wymagane natywne 64-bitowe warianty programów): wszystko co jedzie na sterownikach (zważ jeszcze na aspekt "podpisów cyfrowych"), wszelkie rozszerzenia powłoki Windows Explorer (będę niewidoczne na standardowym eksploratorze, jeśli program jest 32-bitowy) Inna sprawa, skoro takie "błahe" przeznaczenie systemu to wersja 64-bit może uchodzić za "przeinwestowaną" (a ona inne ma koszty pobytu na dysku). 64-bity to mają znaczenie przy jakimś mocniejszym przetwarzaniu (np. konwersje video / wiele maszyn wirtualnych etc.). W normalnych okolicznościach wszystko odłogiem przy hasaniu po sieci... No i nie znamy tu w ogóle ogólnych parametrów sprzętu. Odnośnik do komentarza
robbo Opublikowano 18 Listopada 2010 Autor Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 18 Listopada 2010 System operacyjny Windows 7 Home Premium Home Edition Dodatek service pack systemu operacyjnego - DirectX (DirectX 9.0c) Nazwa komputera JOHNBRAVO-PC Nazwa użytkownika John Bravo Płyta główna Typ procesora 2x , 2600 MHz Nazwa płyty głównej Nieznane Mikroukład płyty głównej Nieznane Pamięć fizyczna 3072 MB Typ BIOS'u AMI (04/10/09) Port komunikacyjny Communications Port (COM1) Ekran Karta wideo ATI Radeon HD 4650 (Microsoft Corporation WDDMp|*2?a@ (1024 MB) Karta wideo ATI Radeon HD 4650 (Microsoft Corporation WDDMp|*2?a@ (1024 MB) Monitor LG F700B [17" CRT] (1412166418) Multimedia Karta dźwiękowa Speakers (High Definition Audio Magazyn Kontroler IDE Standardowy podwójny kontroler PCI IDE Kontroler SCSI/RAID Kontroler Serial ATA NVIDIA nForce Dysk fizyczny SAMSUNG HD103SJ SCSI Disk Device (931 GB) Dysk fizyczny SMI Reader USB Device Napęd dysków optycznych HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH22NS50 SCSI CdRom Device Status dysków SMART Nieznane Partycje C: (NTFS) 101135 MB (86533 MB wolne) D: (NTFS) 199996 MB (170985 MB wolne) E: (NTFS) 300002 MB (250935 MB wolne) F: (NTFS) 352723 MB (234966 MB wolne) Rozmiar całkowity 931.5 GB (726.0 GB wolne) Urządzenia wejściowe Klawiatura Urządzenie klawiatury HID Mysz Mysz Microsoft PS/2 Sieć Karta sieciowa NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller ( Urządzenia zewnętrzne Drukarka Fax Drukarka Microsoft XPS Document Writer Urządzenie USB Urządzenie kompozytowe USB Urządzenie USB Urządzenie pamięci masowej USB Urządzenie USB Urządzenie wejściowe USB Urządzenie USB Urządzenie wejściowe USB takie parametry, nie wiem co z tym RAMem, chyba mam 3GB Odnośnik do komentarza
Flavius Opublikowano 18 Listopada 2010 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 18 Listopada 2010 Czym ty robiłeś ten raport - brak w nim informacji o procesorze czy nawet o płycie głównej.O zdolności przystosowania komputera względem systemów 64bit decyduje procesor jaki posiadasz.Podaj raport z SIW alboHWINFO32...zresztą jest pełno narzędzi darmowych które to dobrze robią.... Odnośnik do komentarza
stivo Opublikowano 18 Listopada 2010 Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 18 Listopada 2010 W dniu 18.11.2010 o 11:33, Flavius napisał(a): O zdolności przystosowania komputera względem systemów 64bit decyduje procesor jaki posiadasz. Rozwiń Już nie. Nie jesteśmy w epoce Pentium III czy Athlona XP przecież. Teraz każdy nowy procesor jest przystosowany do działania w 64bit, a dwurdzeniowiec czterordzeniowiec, którego robbo posiada do takich się zalicza. EDIT: @robbo: whoa, to dopiero raport Odnośnik do komentarza
robbo Opublikowano 18 Listopada 2010 Autor Zgłoś Udostępnij Opublikowano 18 Listopada 2010 W dniu 18.11.2010 o 11:33, Flavius napisał(a): Czym ty robiłeś ten raport Rozwiń Everest'em a tu mam lepszy raport i wyglada na to, ze mam 4 procesory (i tak mialo byc, a nie jak poprzednio 2 ) Pokaż ukrytą zawartość HWiNFO32 Version 3.61-992 JOHNBRAVO-PC -------------------------------------------------------------- [Current Computer] Computer Brand Name: ACTION ACT NEVADA [Operating System] Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Build 7600 Central Processor(s) ------------------------------------------------------ [CPU Unit Count] Number Of Processor Packages (Physical): 1 Number Of Processors Cores: 4 Number Of Logical Processors: 4 AMD Athlon II X4 620 ------------------------------------------------------ [General Information] Processor Name: AMD Athlon II X4 620 Original Processor Frequency: 2600.0 MHz Original Processor Frequency [MHz]: 2600 CPU ID: 00100F52 Extended CPU ID: 00100F52 CPU Brand Name: AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 620 Processor CPU Vendor: AuthenticAMD CPU Stepping: BL-C2 CPU Code Name: Propus CPU Thermal Design Power (TDP): 94.3 W CPU Thermal Design Current (TDC): 74.0 A CPU Platform: Socket AM2r2 Number of CPU Cores: 4 Number of Logical CPUs: 4 [Operating Points] CPU HFM (Maximum): 2600.0 MHz = 13.00 x 200.0 MHz @ 1.3250 V CPU Current: 2611.8 MHz = 13.00 x 200.9 MHz @ 1.3250 V Northbridge Maximum: 2000.0 MHz = 10.00 x 200.0 MHz @ 1.3250 V Northbridge Current: 1600.0 MHz = 8.00 x 200.0 MHz @ 1.3250 V CPU Bus Type: Hyper-Transport v3.00 Maximum Supported Hyper-Transport Link Clock: 2000 MHz Current Hyper-Transport Link Clock: 1000 MHz [Cache and TLB] L1 Cache: Instruction: 4 x 64 KBytes, Data: 4 x 64 KBytes L2 Cache: Integrated: 4 x 512 KBytes Instruction TLB: Fully associative, 48 entries Data TLB: Fully associative, 32 entries [Standard Feature Flags] FPU on Chip Present Enhanced Virtual-86 Mode Present I/O Breakpoints Present Page Size Extensions Present Time Stamp Counter Present Pentium-style Model Specific Registers Present Physical Address Extension Present Machine Check Exception Present CMPXCHG8B Instruction Present APIC On Chip / PGE (AMD) Present Fast System Call Present Memory Type Range Registers Present Page Global Feature Present Machine Check Architecture Present CMOV Instruction Present Page Attribute Table Present 36-bit Page Size Extensions Present Processor Number Not Present CLFLUSH Instruction Present Debug Trace and EMON Store Not Present Internal ACPI Support Not Present MMX Technology Present Fast FP Save/Restore (IA MMX-2) Present Streaming SIMD Extensions Present Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 Present Self-Snoop Not Present Multi-Threading Capable Present Automatic Clock Control Not Present IA-64 Processor Not Present Signal Break on FERR Not Present Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 Present PCLMULQDQ Instruction Support Not Present MONITOR/MWAIT Support Present Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 Not Present FMA Extension Not Present CMPXCHG16B Support Present Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.1 Not Present Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.2 Not Present x2APIC Not Present POPCNT Instruction Present AES Cryptography Support Not Present XSAVE/XRSTOR/XSETBV/XGETBV Instructions Not Present XGETBV/XSETBV OS Enabled Not Present AVX Support Not Present Half-Precision Convert (CVT16) Not Present [Extended Feature Flags] FPU on Chip Present Enhanced Virtual-86 Mode Present I/O Breakpoints Present Page Size Extensions Present Time Stamp Counter Present AMD-style Model Specific Registers Present Machine Check Exception Present CMPXCHG8B Instruction Present APIC On Chip Present SYSCALL and SYSRET Instructions Present Memory Type Range Registers Present Page Global Feature Present Machine Check Architecture Present CMOV Instruction Present Page Attribute Table Present 36-bit Page Size Extensions Present Multi-Processing / Brand feature Not Present No Execute Present MMX Technology Present MMX+ Extensions Present Fast FP Save/Restore Present Fast FP Save/Restore Optimizations Present 1 GB large page support Present RDTSCP Instruction Present x86-64 Long Mode Present 3DNow! Technology Extensions Present 3DNow! Technology Present LAHF/SAHF Long Mode Support Present Core Multi-Processing Legacy Mode Present Secure Virtual Machine Present Extended APIC Register Space Present LOCK MOV CR0 Support Present Advanced Bit Manipulation Present SSE4A Support Present Misaligned SSE Mode Present PREFETCH(W) Support Present OS Visible Work-around Support Present Instruction Based Sampling Present XOP Instruction Support Not Present SKINIT, STGI, and DEV Support Present Watchdog Timer Support Present TBM0 Instruction Support Not Present Lightweight Profiling Support Not Present FMA4 Instruction Support Not Present Translation Cache Extension Not Present NodeId Support Not Present Trailing Bit Manipulation Not Present Topology Extensions Not Present [Enhanced Features] Core Performance Boost Not Supported [Memory Ranges] Maximum Physical Address Size: 48-bit (256 TBytes) Maximum Virtual Address Size: 48-bit (256 TBytes) [MTRRs] Range 0-80000000 (0MB-2048MB) Type: Write Back (WB) Range 80000000-C0000000 (2048MB-3072MB) Type: Write Back (WB) Motherboard --------------------------------------------------------------- [Computer] Computer Brand Name: ACTION ACT NEVADA [Motherboard] Motherboard Model: ASUS M2N68-AM SE2 Motherboard Chipset: nVidia MCP61 Motherboard Slots: 1xPCI, 2xPCI Express x1, 1xPCI Express x16 [BIOS] BIOS Manufacturer: American Megatrends BIOS Date: 04/10/09 BIOS Version: 0701 Super-IO/LPC Chip: ITE IT8712F, Rev J/K ACPI Devices -------------------------------------------------------------- AMD Processor ------------------------------------------------------------- Device Name: AMD Processor AMD Processor ------------------------------------------------------------- Device Name: AMD Processor AMD Processor ------------------------------------------------------------- Device Name: AMD Processor AMD Processor ------------------------------------------------------------- Device Name: AMD Processor ACPI Fixed Feature Button ------------------------------------------------- Device Name: ACPI Fixed Feature Button Programmable interrupt controller ----------------------------------------- Device Name: Programmable interrupt controller [Assigned Resources] I/O Port: 0020 - 0021 I/O Port: 00A0 - 00A1 [Alternative 1] I/O Port: 0020 - 0021 I/O Port: 00A0 - 00A1 System timer -------------------------------------------------------------- Device Name: System timer [Assigned Resources] I/O Port: 0040 - 0043 IRQ: 0 [Alternative 1] I/O Port: 0040 - 0043 IRQ: 0 High precision event timer ------------------------------------------------ Device Name: High precision event timer [Assigned Resources] Memory Location: FED00000 - FED00FFF [Alternative 1] Memory Location: FED00000 - FED00FFF Direct memory access controller ------------------------------------------- Device Name: Direct memory access controller [Assigned Resources] I/O Port: 0000 - 000F I/O Port: 0081 - 0083 I/O Port: 0087 I/O Port: 0089 - 008B I/O Port: 008F I/O Port: 00C0 - 00DF DMA: 4 [Alternative 1] I/O Port: 0000 - 000F I/O Port: 0081 - 0083 I/O Port: 0087 I/O Port: 0089 - 008B I/O Port: 008F I/O Port: 00C0 - 00DF DMA: 4 Communications Port ------------------------------------------------------- Device Name: Communications Port [Assigned Resources] I/O Port: 03F8 - 03FF IRQ: 4 [Alternative 1] I/O Port: 03F8 - 03FF IRQ: 4 [Alternative 2] I/O Port: 03F8 - 03FF IRQ: 3 IRQ: 4 IRQ: 5 IRQ: 6 IRQ: 7 IRQ: 10 IRQ: 11 IRQ: 12 [Alternative 3] I/O Port: 02F8 - 02FF IRQ: 3 IRQ: 4 IRQ: 5 IRQ: 6 IRQ: 7 IRQ: 10 IRQ: 11 IRQ: 12 [Alternative 4] I/O Port: 03E8 - 03EF IRQ: 3 IRQ: 4 IRQ: 5 IRQ: 6 IRQ: 7 IRQ: 10 IRQ: 11 IRQ: 12 [Alternative 5] I/O Port: 02E8 - 02EF IRQ: 3 IRQ: 4 IRQ: 5 IRQ: 6 IRQ: 7 IRQ: 10 IRQ: 11 IRQ: 12 System speaker ------------------------------------------------------------ Device Name: System speaker [Assigned Resources] I/O Port: 0061 [Alternative 1] I/O Port: 0061 PCI bus ------------------------------------------------------------------- Device Name: PCI bus [Assigned Resources] I/O Port: 0000 - 0CF7 I/O Port: 0D00 - FFFF Memory Location: 000A0000 - 000BFFFF Memory Location: 000D0000 - 000DFFFF Memory Location: C0000000 - DFFFFFFF Memory Location: F0000000 - FEBFFFFF [Alternative 1] I/O Port: 0000 - 0CF7 I/O Port: 0D00 - FFFF Memory Location: 000A0000 - 000BFFFF Memory Location: 000D0000 - 000DFFFF Memory Location: C0000000 - DFFFFFFF Memory Location: F0000000 - FEBFFFFF Rozszerzona magistrala we/wy ---------------------------------------------- Device Name: Rozszerzona magistrala we/wy System CMOS/real time clock ----------------------------------------------- Device Name: System CMOS/real time clock [Assigned Resources] I/O Port: 0070 - 0071 IRQ: 8 [Alternative 1] I/O Port: 0070 - 0071 IRQ: 8 System board -------------------------------------------------------------- Device Name: System board [Assigned Resources] Memory Location: 00000000 - 0009FFFF Memory Location: 000C0000 - 000CFFFF Memory Location: 000E0000 - 000FFFFF Memory Location: 00100000 - BFFFFFFF Memory Location: FEC00000 - FFFFFFFF [Alternative 1] Memory Location: 00000000 - 0009FFFF Memory Location: 000C0000 - 000CFFFF Memory Location: 000E0000 - 000FFFFF Memory Location: 00100000 - BFFFFFFF Memory Location: FEC00000 - FFFFFFFF Motherboard resources ----------------------------------------------------- Device Name: Motherboard resources [Assigned Resources] Memory Location: FEC00000 - FEC00FFF Memory Location: FEE00000 - FEE00FFF [Alternative 1] Memory Location: FEC00000 - FEC00FFF Memory Location: FEE00000 - FEE00FFF Motherboard resources ----------------------------------------------------- Device Name: Motherboard resources [Assigned Resources] I/O Port: 0010 - 001F I/O Port: 0022 - 003F I/O Port: 0044 - 004D I/O Port: 0050 - 005F I/O Port: 0062 - 0063 I/O Port: 0065 - 006F I/O Port: 0072 - 007F I/O Port: 0080 I/O Port: 0084 - 0086 I/O Port: 0088 I/O Port: 008C - 008E I/O Port: 0090 - 009F I/O Port: 00A2 - 00BF I/O Port: 00E0 - 00EF I/O Port: 04D0 - 04D1 I/O Port: 0800 - 080F I/O Port: 0500 - 057F I/O Port: 0580 - 05FF I/O Port: 0800 - 087F I/O Port: 0880 - 08FF I/O Port: 0D00 - 0D7F I/O Port: 0D80 - 0DFF I/O Port: 0900 - 097F I/O Port: 0980 - 09FF I/O Port: 1100 - 117F I/O Port: 1180 - 11FF Memory Location: 000D0000 - 000D3FFF Memory Location: 000D4000 - 000D7FFF Memory Location: 000DE000 - 000DFFFF Memory Location: FEC80000 - FD93FFFF Memory Location: FEFE0000 - FEFE01FF Memory Location: FEFE1000 - FEFE1FFF Memory Location: FEE01000 - FEEFFFFF [Alternative 1] I/O Port: 0010 - 001F I/O Port: 0022 - 003F I/O Port: 0044 - 004D I/O Port: 0050 - 005F I/O Port: 0062 - 0063 I/O Port: 0065 - 006F I/O Port: 0072 - 007F I/O Port: 0080 I/O Port: 0084 - 0086 I/O Port: 0088 I/O Port: 008C - 008E I/O Port: 0090 - 009F I/O Port: 00A2 - 00BF I/O Port: 00E0 - 00EF I/O Port: 04D0 - 04D1 I/O Port: 0800 - 080F I/O Port: 0500 - 057F I/O Port: 0580 - 05FF I/O Port: 0800 - 087F I/O Port: 0880 - 08FF I/O Port: 0D00 - 0D7F I/O Port: 0D80 - 0DFF I/O Port: 0900 - 097F I/O Port: 0980 - 09FF I/O Port: 1100 - 117F I/O Port: 1180 - 11FF Memory Location: 000D0000 - 000D3FFF Memory Location: 000D4000 - 000D7FFF Memory Location: 000DE000 - 000DFFFF Memory Location: FEC80000 - FD93FFFF Memory Location: FEFE0000 - FEFE01FF Memory Location: FEFE1000 - FEFE1FFF Memory Location: FEE01000 - FEEFFFFF Motherboard resources ----------------------------------------------------- Device Name: Motherboard resources [Assigned Resources] Memory Location: E0000000 - EFFFFFFF [Alternative 1] Memory Location: E0000000 - EFFFFFFF Motherboard resources ----------------------------------------------------- Device Name: Motherboard resources [Assigned Resources] I/O Port: 0230 - 023F I/O Port: 0290 - 029F I/O Port: 0A00 - 0A0F I/O Port: 0A10 - 0A1F [Alternative 1] I/O Port: 0230 - 023F I/O Port: 0290 - 029F I/O Port: 0A00 - 0A0F I/O Port: 0A10 - 0A1F Numeric data processor ---------------------------------------------------- Device Name: Numeric data processor [Assigned Resources] I/O Port: 00F0 - 00FF IRQ: 13 [Alternative 1] I/O Port: 00F0 - 00FF IRQ: 13 ACPI Power Button --------------------------------------------------------- Device Name: ACPI Power Button Microsoft PS/2 Mouse ------------------------------------------------------ Device Name: Microsoft PS/2 Mouse [Assigned Resources] I/O Port: 0060 I/O Port: 0064 IRQ: 12 [Alternative 1] I/O Port: 0060 I/O Port: 0064 IRQ: 12 SMBIOS DMI ---------------------------------------------------------------- BIOS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BIOS Vendor: American Megatrends Inc. BIOS Version: 0701 BIOS Release Date: 04/10/2009 BIOS Start Segment: F000 BIOS Size: 1024 KBytes ISA Support: Present MCA Support: Not Present EISA Support: Not Present PCI Support: Present PC Card (PCMCIA) Support: Not Present Plug-and-Play Support: Present APM Support: Present Flash BIOS: Present BIOS Shadow: Present VL-VESA Support: Not Present ESCD Support: Present Boot from CD: Present Selectable Boot: Present BIOS ROM Socketed: Present Boot from PC Card: Not Present EDD Support: Present NEC PC-98 Support: Not Present ACPI Support: Present USB Legacy Support: Present AGP Support: Not Present I2O Boot Support: Not Present LS-120 Boot Support: Present ATAPI ZIP Drive Boot Support: Present IEE1394 Boot Support: Not Present Smart Battery Support: Not Present System -------------------------------------------------------------------- System Manufacturer: ACTION Product Name: ACT NEVADA Product Version: E SERIES Product Serial Number: N/A UUID: {7899AFE0-4286-11DE-0CAD-E58C240031D5} SKU Number: To Be Filled By O.E.M. Family: To Be Filled By O.E.M. Mainboard ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mainboard Manufacturer: ASUSTeK Computer INC. Mainboard Name: M2N68-AM SE2 Mainboard Version: Rev X.0x Mainboard Serial Number: MT7095K08401369 Asset Tag: To Be Filled By O.E.M. Location in chassis: To Be Filled By O.E.M. System Enclosure ---------------------------------------------------------- Manufacturer: I-BOX Case Type: Desktop Version: LYNX 705LK Serial Number: N/A Asset Tag Number: Asset-1234567890 Processor ----------------------------------------------------------------- Processor Manufacturer: AMD Processor Version: AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 620 Processor External Clock: 200 MHz Maximum Clock Supported: 2600 MHz Current Clock: 2600 MHz CPU Socket: Populated CPU Status: Enabled Processor Type: Central Processor Processor Voltage: 1.5 V Processor Upgrade: Unknown Socket Designation: AM2 L1-Cache ------------------------------------------------------------------ Socket Designation: L1-Cache Cache State: Enabled Cache Type: Internal, Data Cache Scheme: Write-Through and Write-Back Supported SRAM Type: Pipeline Burst Current SRAM Type: Pipeline Burst Cache Speed: Unknown Error Correction Type: Maximum Cache Size: 512 KBytes Installed Cache Size: 512 KBytes Cache Associativity: 4-way Set-Associative L2-Cache ------------------------------------------------------------------ Socket Designation: L2-Cache Cache State: Enabled Cache Type: Internal, Unified Cache Scheme: Write-Through and Write-Back Supported SRAM Type: Pipeline Burst Current SRAM Type: Pipeline Burst Cache Speed: Unknown Error Correction Type: Maximum Cache Size: 2048 KBytes Installed Cache Size: 2048 KBytes Cache Associativity: 4-way Set-Associative L3-Cache ------------------------------------------------------------------ Socket Designation: L3-Cache Cache State: Disabled Cache Type: Internal Cache Scheme: Unknown Supported SRAM Type: Current SRAM Type: Cache Speed: Unknown Error Correction Type: Unknown Maximum Cache Size: 0 KBytes Installed Cache Size: 0 KBytes Cache Associativity: Unknown Memory Devices ------------------------------------------------------------ Memory Controller --------------------------------------------------------- Error Detecting Method: 64-bit ECC Error Correction: None Supported Interleave: 1-Way Current Interleave: 1-Way Max. Memory Module Size: 2048 MBytes Supported Memory Speed: 70 ns, 60 ns Supported Memory Type: DIMM, SDRAM Supported Memory Voltage: 3.3 V Associated Memory Slots: 2 DIMM0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Socket Designation: DIMM0 Memory Type: DIMM Memory Speed: 25 ns Installed size: 2048 MBytes Enabled size: 2048 MBytes DIMM1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Socket Designation: DIMM1 Memory Type: DIMM Memory Speed: 25 ns Installed size: 2048 MBytes Enabled size: 2048 MBytes Port Connectors ----------------------------------------------------------- Mouse Port ---------------------------------------------------------------- Port Type: Mouse Port Internal Reference: KBMS Internal Connector Type: None External Reference: KBMS External Connector Type: PS/2 USB ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Port Type: USB Internal Reference: USB12 Internal Connector Type: None External Reference: USB12 External Connector Type: Access Bus (USB) USB ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Port Type: USB Internal Reference: USB34 Internal Connector Type: None External Reference: USB34 External Connector Type: Access Bus (USB) USB ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Port Type: USB Internal Reference: USB56 Internal Connector Type: None External Reference: USB56 External Connector Type: Access Bus (USB) USB ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Port Type: USB Internal Reference: USB78 Internal Connector Type: None External Reference: USB78 External Connector Type: Access Bus (USB) USB ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Port Type: USB Internal Reference: USB910 Internal Connector Type: None External Reference: USB910 External Connector Type: Access Bus (USB) Serial Port 16550A Compatible --------------------------------------------- Port Type: Serial Port 16550A Compatible Internal Reference: COM Port Internal Connector Type: None External Reference: COM A External Connector Type: DB-9 pin male Audio Port ---------------------------------------------------------------- Port Type: Audio Port Internal Reference: Audio_Line_In Internal Connector Type: None External Reference: Audio_Line_In External Connector Type: Mini-jack (headphones) Audio Port ---------------------------------------------------------------- Port Type: Audio Port Internal Reference: Audio_Line_Out Internal Connector Type: None External Reference: Audio_Line_Out External Connector Type: Mini-jack (headphones) Audio Port ---------------------------------------------------------------- Port Type: Audio Port Internal Reference: Audio_Mic_In Internal Connector Type: None External Reference: Audio_Mic_In External Connector Type: Mini-jack (headphones) Network Port -------------------------------------------------------------- Port Type: Network Port Internal Reference: LAN Internal Connector Type: None External Reference: LAN External Connector Type: RJ-45 Port Connector ------------------------------------------------------------ Port Type: Unknown Internal Reference: D-Sub Internal Connector Type: None External Reference: D-Sub port External Connector Type: Unknown Port Connector ------------------------------------------------------------ Port Type: Unknown Internal Reference: CD Internal Connector Type: Unknown External Reference: Unknown External Connector Type: None Port Connector ------------------------------------------------------------ Port Type: Unknown Internal Reference: PRI IDE Internal Connector Type: On Board IDE External Reference: Unknown External Connector Type: None Port Connector ------------------------------------------------------------ Port Type: Unknown Internal Reference: AAFP Internal Connector Type: Unknown External Reference: Unknown External Connector Type: None Port Connector ------------------------------------------------------------ Port Type: Unknown Internal Reference: PANEL Internal Connector Type: 9 Pin Dual Inline (pin 10 cut) External Reference: Unknown External Connector Type: None Port Connector ------------------------------------------------------------ Port Type: Unknown Internal Reference: SPEAKER Internal Connector Type: Unknown External Reference: Unknown External Connector Type: None Port Connector ------------------------------------------------------------ Port Type: Unknown Internal Reference: CPU FAN Internal Connector Type: Unknown External Reference: Unknown External Connector Type: None Port Connector ------------------------------------------------------------ Port Type: Unknown Internal Reference: SATA1 Internal Connector Type: Unknown External Reference: Unknown External Connector Type: None Port Connector ------------------------------------------------------------ Port Type: Unknown Internal Reference: SATA2 Internal Connector Type: Unknown External Reference: Unknown External Connector Type: None System Slots -------------------------------------------------------------- PCIEX16 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Slot Designation: PCIEX16 Slot Type: PCI Express Slot Usage: In use Slot Data Bus Width: 16x / x16 Slot Length: Short PCIEX1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Slot Designation: PCIEX1 Slot Type: PCI Express Slot Usage: Empty Slot Data Bus Width: 1x / x1 Slot Length: Short PCI1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Slot Designation: PCI1 Slot Type: PCI Slot Usage: Empty Slot Data Bus Width: 32-bit Slot Length: Short On Board Device ----------------------------------------------------------- Device Description: To Be Filled By O.E.M. Device Type: Video Adapter Device Status: <Enabled> OEM Strings --------------------------------------------------------------- BIOS Language ------------------------------------------------------------- Physical Memory Array ----------------------------------------------------- Array Location: System board Array Use: System memory Error Detecting Method: None Memory Capacity: 4194304 KBytes Memory Devices: 2 Memory Array Mapped Address ----------------------------------------------- Starting Address: 00000000 Ending Address: 004FFFFF Partition Width: 1 Memory Device ------------------------------------------------------------- Total Width: 64 bits Data Width: 64 bits Device Size: 2048 MBytes Device Form Factor: DIMM Device Locator: DIMM0 Bank Locator: BANK0 Device Type: DDR2 SDRAM Device Type Detail: Synchronous Memory Speed: 800 MHz Manufacturer: Manufacturer0 Serial Number: SerNum0 Part Number: PartNum0 Asset Tag: AssetTagNum0 Memory Device Mapped Address ---------------------------------------------- Starting Address: 00000000 Ending Address: 001FFFFF Partition Row Position: 1 Interleave Position: Non-interleaved Interleave Data Depth: 0 Memory Device ------------------------------------------------------------- Total Width: 64 bits Data Width: 64 bits Device Size: 2048 MBytes Device Form Factor: DIMM Device Locator: DIMM1 Bank Locator: BANK1 Device Type: DDR2 SDRAM Device Type Detail: Synchronous Memory Speed: 800 MHz Manufacturer: Manufacturer1 Serial Number: SerNum1 Part Number: PartNum1 Asset Tag: AssetTagNum1 Memory Device Mapped Address ---------------------------------------------- Starting Address: 00200000 Ending Address: 003FFFFF Partition Row Position: 1 Interleave Position: Non-interleaved Interleave Data Depth: 0 System Boot Information --------------------------------------------------- Boot Status: No error occured Memory -------------------------------------------------------------------- [General information] Total Memory Size: 4 GBytes Total Memory Size [MB]: 4096 [Current Performance Settings] Maximum Supported Memory Clock: 666.7 MHz Current Memory Clock: 401.8 MHz (2 : 1 ratio) Current Timing (tCAS-tRCD-tRP-tRAS): 5.0-5-5-18 Memory Runs At: Dual-Channel Command Rate: 2T Read to Read Delay (tRD_RD) Different Rank: 3T Write to Write Delay (tWR_WR) Different Rank: 1T Write to Read Delay (tWR_RD) Same Rank (tWTR): 3T Write to Precharge Delay (tWTP/tWR): 6T RAS# to RAS# Delay (tRRD): 3T Row Cycle Time (tRC): 23T Four Activate Window (tFAW): 14T Row: 0 - 2048 MB PC2-6400 DDR2-SDRAM Kingmax Semiconductor KLDE88F-B8NU5 -- [General Module Information] Module Number: 0 Module Size: 2048 MBytes Memory Type: DDR2-SDRAM DIMM Type: Regular Unbuffered (UDIMM) Error Check/Correction: None Memory Speed: 400.0 MHz (PC2-6400) Module Manufacturer: Kingmax Semiconductor Module Model: KLDE88F-B8NU5 Serial Number: N/A Manufacturing Date: N/A [Module characteristics] Module Width: 64-bits Module Voltage: SSTL 1.8V SPD Revision: 1.2 Number Of Ranks: 2 Row Address Bits: 14 Column Address Bits: 10 Number Of Banks: 8 [Module timing] Supported Burst Lengths: 4, 8 Refresh Rate: Reduced 0.5x (7.8 us) Supported CAS Latencies (tCAS): 5.0, 4.0, 3.0 Min. RAS-to-CAS Delay (tRCD): 12.50 ns Min. Row Precharge Time (tRP): 12.50 ns Min. RAS Pulse Width (tRAS): 45 ns Supported Module Timing at 400.0 MHz: 5.0-5-5-18 Supported Module Timing at 266.7 MHz: 4.0-4-4-12 Supported Module Timing at 200.0 MHz: 3.0-3-3-9 Min. Row-Activate To Row-Activate Delay (tRRD): 7.50 ns Write Recovery Time (tWR): 15.00 ns Internal write to read command delay (tWTR): 7.50 ns Internal read to precharge command delay (tRTP): 7.50 ns Minimum Activate to Activate/Refresh Time (tRC): 57.00 ns Minimum Refresh to Activate/Refresh Command Period (tRFC): 127.00 ns Address and Command Setup Time Before Clock (tIS): 0.17 ns Address and Command Setup Time After Clock (tIH): 0.25 ns Data Input Setup Time Before Strobe (tDS): 0.05 ns Data Input Setup Time After Strobe (tDH): 0.12 ns Row: 1 - 2048 MB PC2-6400 DDR2-SDRAM Kingmax Semiconductor KLDE88F-B8NU5 -- [General Module Information] Module Number: 1 Module Size: 2048 MBytes Memory Type: DDR2-SDRAM DIMM Type: Regular Unbuffered (UDIMM) Error Check/Correction: None Memory Speed: 400.0 MHz (PC2-6400) Module Manufacturer: Kingmax Semiconductor Module Model: KLDE88F-B8NU5 Serial Number: N/A Manufacturing Date: N/A [Module characteristics] Module Width: 64-bits Module Voltage: SSTL 1.8V SPD Revision: 1.2 Number Of Ranks: 2 Row Address Bits: 14 Column Address Bits: 10 Number Of Banks: 8 [Module timing] Supported Burst Lengths: 4, 8 Refresh Rate: Reduced 0.5x (7.8 us) Supported CAS Latencies (tCAS): 5.0, 4.0, 3.0 Min. RAS-to-CAS Delay (tRCD): 12.50 ns Min. Row Precharge Time (tRP): 12.50 ns Min. RAS Pulse Width (tRAS): 45 ns Supported Module Timing at 400.0 MHz: 5.0-5-5-18 Supported Module Timing at 266.7 MHz: 4.0-4-4-12 Supported Module Timing at 200.0 MHz: 3.0-3-3-9 Min. Row-Activate To Row-Activate Delay (tRRD): 7.50 ns Write Recovery Time (tWR): 15.00 ns Internal write to read command delay (tWTR): 7.50 ns Internal read to precharge command delay (tRTP): 7.50 ns Minimum Activate to Activate/Refresh Time (tRC): 57.00 ns Minimum Refresh to Activate/Refresh Command Period (tRFC): 127.00 ns Address and Command Setup Time Before Clock (tIS): 0.17 ns Address and Command Setup Time After Clock (tIH): 0.25 ns Data Input Setup Time Before Strobe (tDS): 0.05 ns Data Input Setup Time After Strobe (tDH): 0.12 ns Bus ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PCI Bus #0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- nVIDIA MCP61 - LPC Bridge ------------------------------------------------- [General Information] Original Device Name: nVIDIA MCP61 - LPC Bridge Device Class: RAM/Memory Controller Revision ID: A1 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 0 Function Number: 0 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [System Resources] Interrupt Line: N/A Interrupt Pin: N/A [Features] Bus Mastering: Enabled Running At 66 MHz: Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Capable nVIDIA MCP61 - LPC Bridge ------------------------------------------------- [General Information] Original Device Name: nVIDIA MCP61 - LPC Bridge Device Class: PCI-to-ISA Bridge Revision ID: A2 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 1 Function Number: 0 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [System Resources] Interrupt Line: N/A Interrupt Pin: N/A I/O Base Address 0 900 [Features] Bus Mastering: Enabled Running At 66 MHz: Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Capable nVIDIA MCP61 - SMBus Controller ------------------------------------------- [General Information] Original Device Name: nVIDIA MCP61 - SMBus Controller Device Class: SMBus (System Management Bus) Revision ID: A2 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 1 Function Number: 1 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [System Resources] Interrupt Line: IRQ10 Interrupt Pin: INTA# I/O Base Address 0 E00 I/O Base Address 4 600 I/O Base Address 5 700 [Features] Bus Mastering: Disabled Running At 66 MHz: Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Capable nVIDIA MCP61 - Memory Controller ------------------------------------------ [General Information] Original Device Name: nVIDIA MCP61 - Memory Controller Device Class: RAM/Memory Controller Revision ID: A2 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 1 Function Number: 2 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [System Resources] Interrupt Line: N/A Interrupt Pin: N/A [Features] Bus Mastering: Disabled Running At 66 MHz: Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Capable nVIDIA MCP61 - OHCI USB 1.1 Controller ------------------------------------ [General Information] Original Device Name: nVIDIA MCP61 - OHCI USB 1.1 Controller Device Class: Universal Serial Bus (USB) Revision ID: A3 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 2 Function Number: 0 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [System Resources] Interrupt Line: IRQ22 Interrupt Pin: INTA# Memory Base Address 0 DFEFF000 [Features] Bus Mastering: Enabled Running At 66 MHz: Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Capable nVIDIA MCP61 - EHCI USB 2.0 Controller ------------------------------------ [General Information] Original Device Name: nVIDIA MCP61 - EHCI USB 2.0 Controller Device Class: Universal Serial Bus (USB) Revision ID: A3 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 2 Function Number: 1 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [System Resources] Interrupt Line: IRQ21 Interrupt Pin: INTB# Memory Base Address 0 DFEFEC00 [Features] Bus Mastering: Enabled Running At 66 MHz: Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Capable nVIDIA MCP61 - PCI-to-PCI Bridge ------------------------------------------ [General Information] Original Device Name: nVIDIA MCP61 - PCI-to-PCI Bridge Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge Revision ID: A1 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 4 Function Number: 0 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [System Resources] Interrupt Line: N/A Interrupt Pin: N/A [Features] Bus Mastering: Enabled Running At 66 MHz: Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Capable PCI Bus #1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- nVIDIA MCP61 - High Definition Audio Controller --------------------------- [General Information] Original Device Name: nVIDIA MCP61 - High Definition Audio Controller Device Class: Mixed mode device Revision ID: A2 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 5 Function Number: 0 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [System Resources] Interrupt Line: IRQ20 Interrupt Pin: INTB# Memory Base Address 0 DFEF8000 [Features] Bus Mastering: Enabled Running At 66 MHz: Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Capable nVIDIA MCP61 - Parallel ATA Controller ------------------------------------ [General Information] Original Device Name: nVIDIA MCP61 - Parallel ATA Controller Device Class: IDE Controller Revision ID: A2 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 6 Function Number: 0 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [System Resources] Interrupt Line: N/A Interrupt Pin: N/A I/O Base Address 4 FFA0 [Features] Bus Mastering: Enabled Running At 66 MHz: Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Capable nVIDIA MCP61 - Network Bus Enumerator ------------------------------------- [General Information] Original Device Name: nVIDIA MCP61 - Network Bus Enumerator Device Class: Unknown Bridge Revision ID: A2 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 7 Function Number: 0 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [System Resources] Interrupt Line: IRQ23 Interrupt Pin: INTA# Memory Base Address 0 DFEFD000 I/O Base Address 1 0 [Features] Bus Mastering: Enabled Running At 66 MHz: Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Capable nVIDIA MCP61 - SATA Controller -------------------------------------------- [General Information] Original Device Name: nVIDIA MCP61 - SATA Controller Device Class: IDE Controller Revision ID: A2 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 8 Function Number: 0 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [System Resources] Interrupt Line: IRQ20 Interrupt Pin: INTA# I/O Base Address 0 D400 I/O Base Address 1 D080 I/O Base Address 2 D000 I/O Base Address 3 CC00 I/O Base Address 4 C880 Memory Base Address 5 DFEFC000 [Features] Bus Mastering: Enabled Running At 66 MHz: Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Capable nVIDIA MCP61 - PCI Express Root Port -------------------------------------- [General Information] Original Device Name: nVIDIA MCP61 - PCI Express Root Port Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge Revision ID: A2 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 9 Function Number: 0 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [PCI Express] Version: 1.0 Maximum Link Width: 16x Current Link Width: 16x Maximum Link Speed: 2.5 Gb/s Current Link Speed: 2.5 Gb/s Device/Port Type: Root Port of PCI Express Root Complex Slot Implemented: Yes Hot-Plug: Not Capable Hot-Plug Surprise: Not Capable Slot Power Limit: 75.000 W Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1 Entry Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled [System Resources] Interrupt Line: N/A Interrupt Pin: N/A [Features] Bus Mastering: Enabled Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable PCI Express x16 Bus #2 ---------------------------------------------------- Hightech RADEON HD 4650 --------------------------------------------------- [General Information] Original Device Name: ATI RADEON HD 4650/4670/4700/4720 (RV730 PRO) Device Class: VGA Compatible Adapter Revision ID: 0 Bus Number: 2 Device Number: 0 Function Number: 0 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [PCI Express] Version: 2.0 Maximum Link Width: 16x Current Link Width: 16x Maximum Link Speed: 2.5 Gb/s Current Link Speed: 2.5 Gb/s Device/Port Type: Legacy PCI Express Endpoint Slot Implemented: No Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1 Entry Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled [System Resources] Interrupt Line: N/A Interrupt Pin: INTA# Memory Base Address 0 C0000000 Memory Base Address 2 DFFF0000 I/O Base Address 4 E800 [Features] Bus Mastering: Enabled Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable ATI RV730 - High Definition Audio Controller ------------------------------ [General Information] Original Device Name: ATI RV730 - High Definition Audio Controller Device Class: Mixed mode device Revision ID: 0 Bus Number: 2 Device Number: 0 Function Number: 1 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [PCI Express] Version: 2.0 Maximum Link Width: 16x Current Link Width: 16x Maximum Link Speed: 2.5 Gb/s Current Link Speed: 2.5 Gb/s Device/Port Type: Legacy PCI Express Endpoint Slot Implemented: No Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1 Entry Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled [System Resources] Interrupt Line: IRQ17 Interrupt Pin: INTB# Memory Base Address 0 DFFEC000 [Features] Bus Mastering: Enabled Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable nVIDIA MCP61 - PCI Express Root Port -------------------------------------- [General Information] Original Device Name: nVIDIA MCP61 - PCI Express Root Port Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge Revision ID: A2 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 11 Function Number: 0 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [PCI Express] Version: 1.0 Maximum Link Width: 1x Current Link Width: 1x Maximum Link Speed: 2.5 Gb/s Current Link Speed: 2.5 Gb/s Device/Port Type: Root Port of PCI Express Root Complex Slot Implemented: Yes Hot-Plug: Not Capable Hot-Plug Surprise: Not Capable Slot Power Limit: 10.000 W Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1 Entry Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled [System Resources] Interrupt Line: N/A Interrupt Pin: N/A [Features] Bus Mastering: Enabled Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable PCI Express x1 Bus #3 ----------------------------------------------------- nVIDIA MCP61 - PCI Express Root Port -------------------------------------- [General Information] Original Device Name: nVIDIA MCP61 - PCI Express Root Port Device Class: PCI-to-PCI Bridge Revision ID: A2 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 12 Function Number: 0 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [PCI Express] Version: 1.0 Maximum Link Width: 1x Current Link Width: 1x Maximum Link Speed: 2.5 Gb/s Current Link Speed: 2.5 Gb/s Device/Port Type: Root Port of PCI Express Root Complex Slot Implemented: Yes Hot-Plug: Not Capable Hot-Plug Surprise: Not Capable Slot Power Limit: 10.000 W Active State Power Management (ASPM) Support: L0s and L1 Entry Active State Power Management (ASPM) Status: Disabled [System Resources] Interrupt Line: N/A Interrupt Pin: N/A [Features] Bus Mastering: Enabled Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable PCI Express x1 Bus #4 ----------------------------------------------------- AMD Family 10h CPU - HyperTransport Technology Configuration -------------- [General Information] Original Device Name: AMD Family 10h CPU - HyperTransport Technology Configuration Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge Revision ID: 0 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 24 Function Number: 0 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [System Resources] Interrupt Line: N/A Interrupt Pin: N/A [Features] Bus Mastering: Disabled Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable AMD Family 10h CPU - Address Map ------------------------------------------ [General Information] Original Device Name: AMD Family 10h CPU - Address Map Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge Revision ID: 0 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 24 Function Number: 1 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [System Resources] Interrupt Line: N/A Interrupt Pin: N/A [Features] Bus Mastering: Disabled Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable AMD Family 10h CPU - DRAM Controller -------------------------------------- [General Information] Original Device Name: AMD Family 10h CPU - DRAM Controller Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge Revision ID: 0 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 24 Function Number: 2 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [System Resources] Interrupt Line: N/A Interrupt Pin: N/A [Features] Bus Mastering: Disabled Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable AMD Family 10h CPU - Miscellaneous Control -------------------------------- [General Information] Original Device Name: AMD Family 10h CPU - Miscellaneous Control Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge Revision ID: 0 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 24 Function Number: 3 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [System Resources] Interrupt Line: N/A Interrupt Pin: N/A [Features] Bus Mastering: Disabled Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable [Northbridge Capabilities] Internal Node Number: Node0 Multi-Node Capability: Not Capable L3 Cache: Not Present Link3 Unganging: Not Enabled Link2 Unganging: Not Enabled Link1 Unganging: Not Enabled Link0 Unganging: Not Enabled Multi-Processor Capability: 1 CPU Multiple VID Plane Capability: Not Capable Multi-Core Capability: Quad-Core Link Error-Retry: Capable Hardware Thermal Control (HTC): Capable SVM: Capable On-chip Memory Controller: Present Maximum DRAM Frequency: 667 MHz Chip-Kill ECC: Capable ECC: Capable Eight-Node Multi-Processor (Big-MP): Not Capable Dual-Node Multi-Processor (MP): Not Capable Dual-Channel (128-Bit) DRAM: Capable AMD Family 10h CPU - Link Control ----------------------------------------- [General Information] Original Device Name: AMD Family 10h CPU - Link Control Device Class: Host-to-PCI Bridge Revision ID: 0 Bus Number: 0 Device Number: 24 Function Number: 4 PCI Latency Timer: 0 [System Resources] Interrupt Line: N/A Interrupt Pin: N/A [Features] Bus Mastering: Disabled Running At 66 MHz: Not Capable Fast Back-to-Back Transactions: Not Capable Video Adapter ------------------------------------------------------------- ATI RADEON HD 4650 (RV730 PRO) -------------------------------------------- [Video chipset] Video Chipset: ATI RADEON HD 4650 (RV730 PRO) Video Memory: 1024 MBytes of DDR2 SDRAM [Video Card] Video Card: Hightech RADEON HD 4650 Video Bus: PCIe v2.0 x16 (2.5 Gb/s) @ x16 (2.5 Gb/s) Video BIOS Version: [Performance] Processor Clock: 300.0 MHz Memory Clock: 299.3 MHz (Effective 598.5 MHz) Memory Bus Width: 128-bit Number Of Pixel Pipelines: 8 Number Of Unified Shaders: 320 Monitor ------------------------------------------------------------------- LG F700B ------------------------------------------------------------------ [General information] Monitor Name: LG F700B Serial Number: 166418 Date Of Manufacture: Week: 12, Year: 2004 Max. Vertical Size: 25 cm Max. Horizontal Size: 33 cm Horizontal Frequency: 30 - 71 kHz Vertical Frequency: 50 - 160 Hz Maximum Pixel Clock: 110 MHz [Advanced parameters] Input Signal: Analog: 0.700 V / 0.300 V (1.000 V p-p) Display Type: RGB color Gamma Factor: 2.85 [DPMS Modes] Standby: Supported Suspend: Supported Active Off: Supported Standard Colour Space: Not Supported Preferred Timing Mode: Not Supported Default GTF Supported: Not Supported [DPMS Input Signal] Serration VSync: Not Supported Sync On Green: Not Supported Composite Sync: Not Supported Separate Syncs: Supported Blank-to-black Setup: Supported [Supported Video Modes] 640 x 480 75 Hz 640 x 480 85 Hz 800 x 600 75 Hz 800 x 600 85 Hz 1152 x 864 75 Hz 1024 x 768 75 Hz 1024 x 768 85 Hz 1280 x 1024 60 Hz 1024 x 768 310 x 230 mm, Pixel Clock 94.50 MHz 1280 x 1024 310 x 230 mm, Pixel Clock 108.00 MHz LG F700B ------------------------------------------------------------------ [General information] Monitor Name: LG F700B Serial Number: 166418 Date Of Manufacture: Week: 12, Year: 2004 Max. Vertical Size: 25 cm Max. Horizontal Size: 33 cm Horizontal Frequency: 30 - 71 kHz Vertical Frequency: 50 - 160 Hz Maximum Pixel Clock: 110 MHz [Advanced parameters] Input Signal: Analog: 0.700 V / 0.300 V (1.000 V p-p) Display Type: RGB color Gamma Factor: 2.85 [DPMS Modes] Standby: Supported Suspend: Supported Active Off: Supported Standard Colour Space: Not Supported Preferred Timing Mode: Not Supported Default GTF Supported: Not Supported [DPMS Input Signal] Serration VSync: Not Supported Sync On Green: Not Supported Composite Sync: Not Supported Separate Syncs: Supported Blank-to-black Setup: Supported [Supported Video Modes] 640 x 480 75 Hz 640 x 480 85 Hz 800 x 600 75 Hz 800 x 600 85 Hz 1152 x 864 75 Hz 1024 x 768 75 Hz 1024 x 768 85 Hz 1280 x 1024 60 Hz 1024 x 768 310 x 230 mm, Pixel Clock 94.50 MHz 1280 x 1024 310 x 230 mm, Pixel Clock 108.00 MHz Drives -------------------------------------------------------------------- Floppy Drives ------------------------------------------------------------- (S)ATA/ATAPI Drives ------------------------------------------------------- SAMSUNG HD103SJ ----------------------------------------------------------- [General Information] Drive Controller: Serial ATA 3Gb/s Drive Model: SAMSUNG HD103SJ Drive Revision: 1AJ100E4 Drive Serial Number: S246J1KS939676 Drive Capacity: 953,869 MBytes (1000 GB) Drive Capacity [MB]: 953869 Media Rotation Rate: 7200 RPM [Drive Geometry] Number of Cylinders: 16383 Number of Heads: 16 Sectors Per Track: 63 Bytes Per Sector: Unknown Bytes Per Track: Unknown Number Of ECC Bytes: 4 Number of Sectors: 16514064 Total 32-bit LBA Sectors: 268435455 Total 48-bit LBA Sectors: 1953525168 Cache Buffer Size: 32767 KBytes Controller Type: Not Specified [Transfer Modes] Sectors Per Interrupt: Total: 16, Active: 16 Max. PIO Transfer Mode: 4 Multiword DMA Mode: Total: 2, Active: - Singleword DMA Mode: Total: -, Active: - Ultra-DMA Mode: Total: 6 (ATA-133), Active: 6 (ATA-133) Max. Multiword DMA Transfer Rate: 16.7 MBytes/s Max. PIO with IORDY Transfer Rate: 16.7 MBytes/s Max. PIO w/o IORDY Transfer Rate: 16.7 MBytes/s Transfer Width: Unknown Native Command Queuing: Supported, Max. Depth: 32 TRIM Command: Not Supported [Device flags] Fixed Drive: Present Removable Drive: Not Present Magnetic Storage: Present LBA Mode: Supported DMA Mode: Supported IORDY: Supported IORDY Disableable: Supported [Features] Write Cache: Present, Active S.M.A.R.T. Feature: Present, Active Security Feature: Present, Inactive Removable Media Feature: Not Present, Disabled Power Management: Present, Active Advanced Power Management: Present, Inactive Packet Interface: Not Present, Disabled Look-Ahead Buffer: Present, Active Host Protected Area: Present, Enabled Power-Up In Standby: Supported, Inactive Automatic Acoustic Management: Supported, Inactive 48-bit LBA: Supported, Active [Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology] Raw Read Error Rate: 100/51, Worst: 100 Throughput Performance: 252/Always OK, Worst: 252 Spin Up Time: 73/25, Worst: 72 (Data = 8246) Start/Stop Count: 99/Always OK, Worst: 99 (Data = 1308) Reallocated Sector Count: 252/10, Worst: 252 Seek Error Rate: 252/51, Worst: 252 Seek Time Performance: 252/15, Worst: 252 Power-On Time Count: 100/Always OK, Worst: 100 (Data = 3208) Spin Retry Count: 252/51, Worst: 252 Calibration Retry Count: 252/Always OK, Worst: 252 Power Cycle Count: 99/Always OK, Worst: 99 (Data = 1309) G-Sense Error Rate: 100/Always OK, Worst: 100 (Data = 2) Power-Off Retract Count: 252/Always OK, Worst: 252 Temperature 64/Always OK, Worst: 59 (Data = 33.0 °C) Hardware ECC Recovered: 100/Always OK, Worst: 100 Reallocation Event Count: 252/Always OK, Worst: 252 Current Pending Sector Count: 252/Always OK, Worst: 252 Off-Line Uncorrectable Sector Count: 252/Always OK, Worst: 252 UltraDMA CRC Error Rate: 100/Always OK, Worst: 100 (Data = 1) Write Error Rate: 100/Always OK, Worst: 100 (Data = 3) Load/Unload Retry Count: 252/Always OK, Worst: 252 Load/Unload Cycle Count: 100/Always OK, Worst: 100 (Data = 1309) HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH22NS50 -------------------------------------------------- [General information] Drive Model: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH22NS50 Drive Revision: TN01 Firmware Date: 2009-06-12 12:34:56 Serial Number: K0098RI4544 Device Type: DVD+R DL [Device capabilities] Drive can read: CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-RAM, DVD+R DL Drive can write: CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-RAM, DVD+R DL Audio --------------------------------------------------------------------- nVIDIA MCP61 - High Definition Audio Controller --------------------------- Audio Adapter: nVIDIA MCP61 - High Definition Audio Controller High Definition Audio Codec: RealTek ALC662 HDA Codec ID: 10EC0662 ATI RV730 - High Definition Audio Controller ------------------------------ Audio Adapter: ATI RV730 - High Definition Audio Controller High Definition Audio Codec: ATi RADEON HDMI HDA Codec ID: 1002AA01 Network ------------------------------------------------------------------- NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller --------------------------------------- [General information] Network Card: NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller Vendor Description: NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Adapter Driver MAC Address: 00-24-8C-E5-D5-31 [Capabilities] Maximum Link Speed: 100 Mbps Transmit Buffer Size: 3100672 Bytes Receive Buffer Size: 6201344 Bytes Ports --------------------------------------------------------------------- Serial Ports -------------------------------------------------------------- Parallel Ports ------------------------------------------------------------ USB ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Standardowy kontroler OpenHCD hosta USB ----------------------------------- USB Hub ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Port1] : No Device Connected --------------------------------------------- [Port2] : No Device Connected --------------------------------------------- [Port3] : Urządzenie kompozytowe USB -------------------------------------- Device Manufacturer: Product Name: USB Keyboard Serial Number: N/A USB Version Supported: 1.10 Driver Description: Urządzenie kompozytowe USB [Port4] : No Device Connected --------------------------------------------- [Port5] : No Device Connected --------------------------------------------- [Port6] : No Device Connected --------------------------------------------- [Port7] : No Device Connected --------------------------------------------- [Port8] : No Device Connected --------------------------------------------- [Port9] : No Device Connected --------------------------------------------- [Port10] : No Device Connected -------------------------------------------- Standardowy rozszerzony kontroler hosta PCI do USB ------------------------ USB Hub ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Port1] : No Device Connected --------------------------------------------- [Port2] : No Device Connected --------------------------------------------- [Port3] : No Device Connected --------------------------------------------- [Port4] : No Device Connected --------------------------------------------- [Port5] : No Device Connected --------------------------------------------- [Port6] : No Device Connected --------------------------------------------- [Port7] : Urządzenie pamięci masowej USB ---------------------------------- Device Manufacturer: SMI Product Name: USB2.0 Card Reader Serial Number: 12345678901234567890 USB Version Supported: 2.00 Driver Description: Urządzenie pamięci masowej USB [Port8] : No Device Connected --------------------------------------------- [Port9] : No Device Connected --------------------------------------------- [Port10] : No Device Connected -------------------------------------------- Odnośnik do komentarza
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