42539 14:56:04 (0) ** WMIDiag v2.2 started on 8 czerwca 2016 at 14:47. 42540 14:56:04 (0) ** 42541 14:56:04 (0) ** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved - July 2007. 42542 14:56:04 (0) ** 42543 14:56:04 (0) ** This script is not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service. 42544 14:56:04 (0) ** The script is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all 42545 14:56:04 (0) ** implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability 42546 14:56:04 (0) ** or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance 42547 14:56:04 (0) ** of the scripts and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors, 42548 14:56:04 (0) ** or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the script be liable for 42549 14:56:04 (0) ** any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, 42550 14:56:04 (0) ** business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of 42551 14:56:04 (0) ** the use of or inability to use the script or documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised 42552 14:56:04 (0) ** of the possibility of such damages. 42553 14:56:04 (0) ** 42554 14:56:04 (0) ** 42555 14:56:04 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42556 14:56:04 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------- WMI REPORT: BEGIN ---------------------------------------------------------- 42557 14:56:04 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42558 14:56:04 (0) ** 42559 14:56:04 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42560 14:56:04 (0) ** Windows 8.1 - No Service Pack - 64-bit (9600) - User 'M4RTIN77\MARCEL' on computer 'M4RTIN77'. 42561 14:56:04 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42562 14:56:04 (0) ** INFO: Environment: .................................................................................................. 1 ITEM(S)! 42563 14:56:04 (0) ** INFO: => 19 possible incorrect shutdown(s) detected on: 42564 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 18 January 2015 14:14:50 (GMT-0). 42565 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 01 February 2015 10:43:09 (GMT-0). 42566 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 09 March 2015 11:19:55 (GMT-0). 42567 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 10 March 2015 21:06:20 (GMT-0). 42568 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 07 June 2015 15:58:31 (GMT-0). 42569 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 19 June 2015 17:42:13 (GMT-0). 42570 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 22 June 2015 12:03:21 (GMT-0). 42571 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 11 July 2015 11:01:50 (GMT-0). 42572 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 13 July 2015 15:47:27 (GMT-0). 42573 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 15 July 2015 17:45:12 (GMT-0). 42574 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 03 August 2015 16:52:32 (GMT-0). 42575 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 13 August 2015 17:04:39 (GMT-0). 42576 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 25 August 2015 14:46:52 (GMT-0). 42577 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 27 August 2015 16:02:41 (GMT-0). 42578 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 22 September 2015 10:08:09 (GMT-0). 42579 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 24 September 2015 15:46:10 (GMT-0). 42580 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 03 April 2016 21:14:29 (GMT-0). 42581 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 26 April 2016 12:54:32 (GMT-0). 42582 14:56:04 (0) ** - Shutdown on 05 May 2016 11:01:16 (GMT-0). 42583 14:56:04 (0) ** 42584 14:56:04 (0) ** System drive: ....................................................................................................... C: (Dysk #0 partycja #2). 42585 14:56:04 (0) ** Drive type: ......................................................................................................... IDE (ST1000LM024 HN-M101MBB). 42586 14:56:04 (0) ** There are no missing WMI system files: .............................................................................. OK. 42587 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: The following WMI repository file(s) is/are missing: ......................................................... 4 ERROR(S)! 42588 14:56:04 (0) ** - INDEX.BTR 42589 14:56:04 (0) ** - MAPPING1.MAP 42590 14:56:04 (0) ** - MAPPING2.MAP 42591 14:56:04 (0) ** - OBJECTS.DATA 42592 14:56:04 (0) ** => To fix this issue: 42593 14:56:04 (0) ** - ENSURE you have all access rights to the WMI repository folder. 42594 14:56:04 (0) ** - ENSURE you run WMIDiag as an Administrator. 42595 14:56:04 (0) ** => If the issue is not due to a lack of privileges, and folder/files are really missing, while 42596 14:56:04 (0) ** the WMI service successfully started, then WMI will rebuild the repository based on the 42597 14:56:04 (0) ** auto-recovery mechanism. In such a case, WMI repository files shoud be available after the execution 42598 14:56:04 (0) ** of WMIDiag. Check WMIDiag LOG. 42599 14:56:04 (0) ** => If the issue is NOT due to a lack of privileges, and folder/files are really missing, while 42600 14:56:04 (0) ** the WMI service does not start, then additional errors should be displayed (i.e. registry, DCOM, service hosts). 42601 14:56:04 (0) ** You must fix those issues first! 42602 14:56:04 (0) ** => After fixing issues, if the files are still missing and if you do not want WMI to rebuild 42603 14:56:04 (0) ** the WMI repository, then you must restore the WMI repository from a previous backup. 42604 14:56:04 (0) ** Note: The System State backup or the System Restore snapshot contain a backup of 42605 14:56:04 (0) ** of the WMI repository. 42606 14:56:04 (0) ** => If no backup is available, you must rebuild the repository. 42607 14:56:04 (0) ** Note: The WMI repository reconstruction requires to locate all MOF files needed to rebuild the repository, 42608 14:56:04 (0) ** otherwise some applications may fail after the reconstruction. 42609 14:56:04 (0) ** This can be achieved with the following command: 42610 14:56:04 (0) ** i.e. 'WMIDiag ShowMOFErrors' 42611 14:56:04 (0) ** Note: Any missing MOF files, or existing MOF files not listed in the Auto-recovery 42612 14:56:04 (0) ** registry key will be excluded from the WMI repository reconstruction. 42613 14:56:04 (0) ** This may imply the lost of WMI registration information. 42614 14:56:04 (0) ** Note: The repository reconstruction must be a LAST RESORT solution and ONLY after executing 42615 14:56:04 (0) ** ALL fixes previously mentioned. 42616 14:56:04 (2) !! WARNING: Static information stored by external applications in the repository will be LOST! (i.e. SMS Inventory) 42617 14:56:04 (0) ** => To rebuild the WMI repository, you must: 42618 14:56:04 (0) ** - Reset the WMI repository 42619 14:56:04 (0) ** (The WMI repository rebuilt is based on auto-recovery) 42620 14:56:04 (0) ** i.e. 'WINMGMT /ResetRepository' 42621 14:56:04 (0) ** OR 42622 14:56:04 (0) ** - Salvage the WMI repository if you want to attempt the retrieval of good data from the 42623 14:56:04 (0) ** inconsistent repository 42624 14:56:04 (0) ** (The repository rebuilt is based on auto-recovery + salvage) 42625 14:56:04 (0) ** i.e. 'WINMGMT /SalvageRepository' 42626 14:56:04 (0) ** 42627 14:56:04 (0) ** WMI repository state: ............................................................................................... N/A. 42628 14:56:04 (0) ** - Disk free space on 'C:': .......................................................................................... 142763 MB. 42629 14:56:04 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42630 14:56:04 (0) ** INFO: Windows Firewall status: ...................................................................................... ENABLED. 42631 14:56:04 (0) ** Windows Firewall Profile: ........................................................................................... PRIVATE. 42632 14:56:04 (0) ** Inbound connections that do not match a rule BLOCKED: ............................................................... ENABLED. 42633 14:56:04 (0) ** => This will prevent any WMI remote connectivity to this computer except 42634 14:56:04 (0) ** if the following three inbound rules are ENABLED and non-BLOCKING: 42635 14:56:04 (0) ** - 'Windows Management Instrumentation (DCOM-In)' 42636 14:56:04 (0) ** - 'Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI-In)' 42637 14:56:04 (0) ** - 'Windows Management Instrumentation (ASync-In)' 42638 14:56:04 (0) ** Verify the reported status for each of these three inbound rules below. 42639 14:56:04 (0) ** 42640 14:56:04 (0) ** Windows Firewall 'Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)' group rule: ............................................. DISABLED. 42641 14:56:04 (0) ** => This will prevent any WMI remote connectivity to/from this machine. 42642 14:56:04 (0) ** - You can adjust the configuration by executing the following command: 42643 14:56:04 (0) ** i.e. 'NETSH.EXE ADVFIREWALL FIREWALL SET RULE GROUP="Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)" NEW ENABLE=YES' 42644 14:56:04 (0) ** Note: With this command all inbound and outbound WMI rules are activated at once! 42645 14:56:04 (0) ** You can also enable each individual rule instead of activating the group rule. 42646 14:56:04 (0) ** 42647 14:56:04 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42648 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM Status: ........................................................................................................ OK. 42649 14:56:04 (0) ** WMI registry setup: ................................................................................................. OK. 42650 14:56:04 (0) ** INFO: WMI service has dependents: ................................................................................... 2 SERVICE(S)! 42651 14:56:04 (0) ** - Security Center (WSCSVC, StartMode='Automatic') 42652 14:56:04 (0) ** - Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) (SHAREDACCESS, StartMode='Disabled') 42653 14:56:04 (0) ** => If the WMI service is stopped, the listed service(s) will have to be stopped as well. 42654 14:56:04 (0) ** Note: If the service is marked with (*), it means that the service/application uses WMI but 42655 14:56:04 (0) ** there is no hard dependency on WMI. However, if the WMI service is stopped, 42656 14:56:04 (0) ** this can prevent the service/application to work as expected. 42657 14:56:04 (0) ** 42658 14:56:04 (0) ** RPCSS service: ...................................................................................................... OK (Already started). 42659 14:56:04 (0) ** WINMGMT service: .................................................................................................... OK (Already started). 42660 14:56:04 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42661 14:56:04 (0) ** WMI service DCOM setup: ............................................................................................. OK. 42662 14:56:04 (0) ** WMI components DCOM registrations: .................................................................................. OK. 42663 14:56:04 (0) ** WMI ProgID registrations: ........................................................................................... OK. 42664 14:56:04 (0) ** WMI provider DCOM registrations: .................................................................................... OK. 42665 14:56:04 (0) ** WMI provider CIM registrations: ..................................................................................... OK. 42666 14:56:04 (0) ** WMI provider CLSIDs: ................................................................................................ OK. 42667 14:56:04 (0) ** WMI providers EXE/DLL availability: ................................................................................. OK. 42668 14:56:04 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42669 14:56:04 (0) ** INFO: User Account Control (UAC): ................................................................................... ENABLED. 42670 14:56:04 (0) ** => WMI tasks requiring Administrative privileges on this computer MUST run in an elevated context. 42671 14:56:04 (0) ** i.e. You can start your scripts or WMIC commands from an elevated command 42672 14:56:04 (0) ** prompt by right clicking on the 'Command Prompt' icon in the Start Menu and 42673 14:56:04 (0) ** selecting 'Run as Administrator'. 42674 14:56:04 (0) ** i.e. You can also execute the WMI scripts or WMIC commands as a task 42675 14:56:04 (0) ** in the Task Scheduler within the right security context. 42676 14:56:04 (0) ** 42677 14:56:04 (0) ** INFO: Local Account Filtering: ...................................................................................... ENABLED. 42678 14:56:04 (0) ** => WMI tasks remotely accessing WMI information on this computer and requiring Administrative 42679 14:56:04 (0) ** privileges MUST use a DOMAIN account part of the Local Administrators group of this computer 42680 14:56:04 (0) ** to ensure that administrative privileges are granted. If a Local User account is used for remote 42681 14:56:04 (0) ** accesses, it will be reduced to a plain user (filtered token), even if it is part of the Local Administrators group. 42682 14:56:04 (0) ** 42683 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Access Permissions/Edit Limits): ................................................... MODIFIED. 42684 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON' has been REMOVED! 42685 14:56:04 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 42686 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 42687 14:56:04 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 42688 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 42689 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEMask: &h3 42690 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 42691 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACCESS_LOCAL 42692 14:56:04 (0) ** 42693 14:56:04 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 42694 14:56:04 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 42695 14:56:04 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 42696 14:56:04 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 42697 14:56:04 (0) ** 42698 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Access Permissions/Edit Limits): ................................................... MODIFIED. 42699 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'BUILTIN\PERFORMANCE LOG USERS' has been REMOVED! 42700 14:56:04 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 42701 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 42702 14:56:04 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 42703 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 42704 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEMask: &h7 42705 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 42706 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACCESS_LOCAL 42707 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACCESS_REMOTE 42708 14:56:04 (0) ** 42709 14:56:04 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 42710 14:56:04 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 42711 14:56:04 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 42712 14:56:04 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 42713 14:56:04 (0) ** 42714 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Access Permissions/Edit Limits): ................................................... MODIFIED. 42715 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'EVERYONE' has been REMOVED! 42716 14:56:04 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 42717 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 42718 14:56:04 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 42719 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 42720 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEMask: &h7 42721 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 42722 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACCESS_LOCAL 42723 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACCESS_REMOTE 42724 14:56:04 (0) ** 42725 14:56:04 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 42726 14:56:04 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 42727 14:56:04 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 42728 14:56:04 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 42729 14:56:04 (0) ** 42730 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Launch & Activation Permissions/Edit Default): ..................................... MODIFIED. 42731 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'BUILTIN\ADMINISTRATORS' has been REMOVED! 42732 14:56:04 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 42733 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 42734 14:56:04 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 42735 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 42736 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F 42737 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 42738 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL 42739 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE 42740 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL 42741 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE 42742 14:56:04 (0) ** 42743 14:56:04 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 42744 14:56:04 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 42745 14:56:04 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 42746 14:56:04 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 42747 14:56:04 (0) ** 42748 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Launch & Activation Permissions/Edit Default): ..................................... MODIFIED. 42749 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE' has been REMOVED! 42750 14:56:04 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 42751 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 42752 14:56:04 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 42753 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 42754 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F 42755 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 42756 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL 42757 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE 42758 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL 42759 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE 42760 14:56:04 (0) ** 42761 14:56:04 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 42762 14:56:04 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 42763 14:56:04 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 42764 14:56:04 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 42765 14:56:04 (0) ** 42766 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Launch & Activation Permissions/Edit Default): ..................................... MODIFIED. 42767 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' has been REMOVED! 42768 14:56:04 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 42769 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 42770 14:56:04 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 42771 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 42772 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F 42773 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 42774 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL 42775 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE 42776 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL 42777 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE 42778 14:56:04 (0) ** 42779 14:56:04 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 42780 14:56:04 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 42781 14:56:04 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 42782 14:56:04 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 42783 14:56:04 (0) ** 42784 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Launch & Activation Permissions/Edit Limits): ...................................... MODIFIED. 42785 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'BUILTIN\ADMINISTRATORS' has been REMOVED! 42786 14:56:04 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 42787 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 42788 14:56:04 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 42789 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 42790 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F 42791 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 42792 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL 42793 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE 42794 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL 42795 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE 42796 14:56:04 (0) ** 42797 14:56:04 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 42798 14:56:04 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 42799 14:56:04 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 42800 14:56:04 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 42801 14:56:04 (0) ** 42802 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Launch & Activation Permissions/Edit Limits): ...................................... MODIFIED. 42803 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'BUILTIN\PERFORMANCE LOG USERS' has been REMOVED! 42804 14:56:04 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 42805 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 42806 14:56:04 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 42807 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 42808 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F 42809 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 42810 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL 42811 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE 42812 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL 42813 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE 42814 14:56:04 (0) ** 42815 14:56:04 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 42816 14:56:04 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 42817 14:56:04 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 42818 14:56:04 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 42819 14:56:04 (0) ** 42820 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM security for 'My Computer' (Launch & Activation Permissions/Edit Limits): ...................................... MODIFIED. 42821 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'EVERYONE' has been REMOVED! 42822 14:56:04 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 42823 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 42824 14:56:04 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 42825 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 42826 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEMask: &hB 42827 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 42828 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL 42829 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL 42830 14:56:04 (0) ** 42831 14:56:04 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 42832 14:56:04 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 42833 14:56:04 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 42834 14:56:04 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 42835 14:56:04 (0) ** 42836 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM security for 'Microsoft WMI Provider Subsystem Host' (Launch & Activation Permissions): ........................ MODIFIED. 42837 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'BUILTIN\ADMINISTRATORS' has been REMOVED! 42838 14:56:04 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 42839 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 42840 14:56:04 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 42841 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 42842 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F 42843 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 42844 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL 42845 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE 42846 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL 42847 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE 42848 14:56:04 (0) ** 42849 14:56:04 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 42850 14:56:04 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 42851 14:56:04 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 42852 14:56:04 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 42853 14:56:04 (0) ** 42854 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM security for 'Microsoft WMI Provider Subsystem Host' (Launch & Activation Permissions): ........................ MODIFIED. 42855 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE' has been REMOVED! 42856 14:56:04 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 42857 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 42858 14:56:04 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 42859 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 42860 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F 42861 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 42862 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL 42863 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE 42864 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL 42865 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE 42866 14:56:04 (0) ** 42867 14:56:04 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 42868 14:56:04 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 42869 14:56:04 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 42870 14:56:04 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 42871 14:56:04 (0) ** 42872 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM security for 'Microsoft WMI Provider Subsystem Host' (Launch & Activation Permissions): ........................ MODIFIED. 42873 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' has been REMOVED! 42874 14:56:04 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 42875 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 42876 14:56:04 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 42877 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 42878 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F 42879 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 42880 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL 42881 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE 42882 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL 42883 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE 42884 14:56:04 (0) ** 42885 14:56:04 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 42886 14:56:04 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 42887 14:56:04 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 42888 14:56:04 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 42889 14:56:04 (0) ** 42890 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM security for 'Microsoft WMI Provider Subsystem Host' (Launch & Activation Permissions): ........................ MODIFIED. 42891 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' has been REMOVED! 42892 14:56:04 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 42893 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 42894 14:56:04 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 42895 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 42896 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F 42897 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 42898 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL 42899 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE 42900 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL 42901 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE 42902 14:56:04 (0) ** 42903 14:56:04 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 42904 14:56:04 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 42905 14:56:04 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 42906 14:56:04 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 42907 14:56:04 (0) ** 42908 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM security for 'Microsoft WMI Provider Subsystem Host' (Launch & Activation Permissions): ........................ MODIFIED. 42909 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE' has been REMOVED! 42910 14:56:04 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE: 42911 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEType: &h0 42912 14:56:04 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE 42913 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0 42914 14:56:04 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1F 42915 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE 42916 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_LOCAL 42917 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_LAUNCH_REMOTE 42918 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL 42919 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_ACTIVATE_REMOTE 42920 14:56:04 (0) ** 42921 14:56:04 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee. 42922 14:56:04 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail! 42923 14:56:04 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE. 42924 14:56:04 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'. 42925 14:56:04 (0) ** 42926 14:56:04 (0) ** 42927 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM security warning(s) detected: .................................................................................. 0. 42928 14:56:04 (0) ** DCOM security error(s) detected: .................................................................................... 14. 42929 14:56:04 (0) ** WMI security warning(s) detected: ................................................................................... 0. 42930 14:56:04 (0) ** WMI security error(s) detected: ..................................................................................... 0. 42931 14:56:04 (0) ** 42932 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: Overall DCOM security status: ................................................................................ ERROR! 42933 14:56:04 (0) ** Overall WMI security status: ........................................................................................ OK. 42934 14:56:04 (0) ** - Started at 'Root' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42935 14:56:04 (0) ** INFO: WMI permanent SUBSCRIPTION(S): ................................................................................ 1. 42936 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/SUBSCRIPTION, NTEventLogEventConsumer.Name="SCM Event Log Consumer". 42937 14:56:04 (0) ** 'select * from MSFT_SCMEventLogEvent' 42938 14:56:04 (0) ** 42939 14:56:04 (0) ** WMI TIMER instruction(s): ........................................................................................... NONE. 42940 14:56:04 (0) ** INFO: WMI namespace(s) requiring PACKET PRIVACY: .................................................................... 1 NAMESPACE(S)! 42941 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/TERMINALSERVICES. 42942 14:56:04 (0) ** => When remotely connecting, the namespace(s) listed require(s) the WMI client to 42943 14:56:04 (0) ** use an encrypted connection by specifying the PACKET PRIVACY authentication level. 42944 14:56:04 (0) ** (RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY or PktPrivacy flags) 42945 14:56:04 (0) ** i.e. 'WMIC.EXE /NODE:"M4RTIN77" /AUTHLEVEL:Pktprivacy /NAMESPACE:\\ROOT\CIMV2\TERMINALSERVICES Class __SystemSecurity' 42946 14:56:04 (0) ** 42947 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: WMI MONIKER CONNECTION errors occured for the following namespaces: .......................................... 7 ERROR(S)! 42948 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/SECURITY/MICROSOFTTPM, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42949 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/SECURITY/MICROSOFTVOLUMEENCRYPTION, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42950 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/APPLICATIONS/WINDOWSPARENTALCONTROLS/SECURED, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42951 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/SECURITY, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42952 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/RSOP/USER, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42953 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/RSOP/COMPUTER, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42954 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/SERVICEMODEL, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42955 14:56:04 (0) ** 42956 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: WMI CONNECTION errors occured for the following namespaces: .................................................. 9 ERROR(S)! 42957 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/SECURITY/MICROSOFTTPM, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42958 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/SECURITY/MICROSOFTVOLUMEENCRYPTION, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42959 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/APPLICATIONS/WINDOWSPARENTALCONTROLS/SECURED, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42960 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/SECURITY, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42961 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/RSOP/USER, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42962 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/RSOP/COMPUTER, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42963 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/SERVICEMODEL, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42964 14:56:04 (0) ** - Root/SECURITY, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42965 14:56:04 (0) ** - Root/aspnet, 0x8004100E - (WBEM_E_INVALID_NAMESPACE) Namespace specified cannot be found. 42966 14:56:04 (0) ** 42967 14:56:04 (1) !! ERROR: WMI GET operation errors reported: ........................................................................... 28 ERROR(S)! 42968 14:56:04 (0) ** - Root, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42969 14:56:04 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 42970 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/SUBSCRIPTION, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42971 14:56:04 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 42972 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/DEFAULT, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42973 14:56:04 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 42974 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42975 14:56:04 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 42976 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/MDM, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42977 14:56:04 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 42978 14:56:04 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/SECURITY, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42979 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 42980 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/POWER, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42981 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 42982 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/TERMINALSERVICES, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42983 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 42984 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/APPLICATIONS, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42985 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 42986 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/APPLICATIONS/WINDOWSPARENTALCONTROLS, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42987 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 42988 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/CIMV2/APPLICATIONS/GAMES, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42989 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 42990 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/MSDTC, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42991 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 42992 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/CLI, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42993 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 42994 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/NAP, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42995 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 42996 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/SECURITYCENTER2, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42997 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 42998 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/RSOP, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 42999 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43000 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/STANDARDCIMV2, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43001 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43002 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/STANDARDCIMV2/EMBEDDED, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43003 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43004 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/WMI, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43005 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43006 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/DIRECTORY, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43007 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43008 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/DIRECTORY/LDAP, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43009 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43010 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/POLICY, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43011 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43012 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/INTEROP, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43013 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43014 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/HARDWARE, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43015 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43016 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/SECURITYCENTER, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43017 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43018 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/MSAPPS12, __SystemSecurity, 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43019 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43020 14:56:05 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfFormattedData_TermService_TerminalServicesSession, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found. 43021 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43022 14:56:05 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Win32_PerfRawData_TermService_TerminalServicesSession, 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found. 43023 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43024 14:56:05 (0) ** 43025 14:56:05 (0) ** WMI MOF representations: ............................................................................................ OK. 43026 14:56:05 (0) ** WMI QUALIFIER access operations: .................................................................................... OK. 43027 14:56:05 (1) !! ERROR: WMI ENUMERATION operation errors reported: ................................................................... 12 ERROR(S)! 43028 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/STANDARDCIMV2, InstancesOfAsync, 'MSFT_NetAdapterSettingData', 0x80041001 - (WBEM_E_FAILED) Call failed. 43029 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43030 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/STANDARDCIMV2, InstancesOfAsync, 'CIM_ProtocolEndpoint', 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43031 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43032 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/STANDARDCIMV2, InstancesOfAsync, 'CIM_SecurityAssociationEndpoint', 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43033 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43034 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/STANDARDCIMV2, InstancesOfAsync, 'CIM_IKESAEndpoint', 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43035 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43036 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/STANDARDCIMV2, InstancesOfAsync, 'CIM_IPsecSAEndpoint', 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43037 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43038 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/STANDARDCIMV2, InstancesOfAsync, 'CIM_IKEAction', 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43039 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43040 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/STANDARDCIMV2, InstancesOfAsync, 'MSFT_NetIKEAuthSet', 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43041 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43042 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/STANDARDCIMV2, InstancesOfAsync, 'MSFT_NetIKECryptoSet', 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43043 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43044 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/STANDARDCIMV2, InstancesOfAsync, 'CIM_PolicyRule', 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43045 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43046 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/STANDARDCIMV2, InstancesOfAsync, 'CIM_SARule', 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43047 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43048 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/STANDARDCIMV2, InstancesOfAsync, 'MSFT_NetSARule', 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43049 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43050 14:56:05 (0) ** - ROOT/WMI, InstancesOfAsync, 'MSMouse', 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action. 43051 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF Registration: 'WMI information not available (This could be the case for an external application or a third party WMI provider)' 43052 14:56:05 (0) ** 43053 14:56:05 (0) ** WMI EXECQUERY operations: ........................................................................................... OK. 43054 14:56:05 (1) !! ERROR: WMI GET VALUE operation errors reported: ..................................................................... 1 ERROR(S)! 43055 14:56:05 (0) ** - Root/CIMV2, Instance: Win32_Service='WSCSVC', Property: Displayname='Centrum zabezpieczeń' (Expected default='Security Center'). 43056 14:56:05 (0) ** 43057 14:56:05 (0) ** WMI WRITE operations: ............................................................................................... NOT TESTED. 43058 14:56:05 (0) ** WMI PUT operations: ................................................................................................. NOT TESTED. 43059 14:56:05 (0) ** WMI DELETE operations: .............................................................................................. NOT TESTED. 43060 14:56:05 (0) ** WMI static instances retrieved: ..................................................................................... 1900. 43061 14:56:05 (0) ** WMI dynamic instances retrieved: .................................................................................... 0. 43062 14:56:05 (0) ** WMI instance request cancellations (to limit performance impact): ................................................... 1. 43063 14:56:05 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43064 14:56:05 (0) ** # of Event Log events BEFORE WMIDiag execution since the last 20 day(s): 43065 14:56:05 (0) ** DCOM: ............................................................................................................. 0. 43066 14:56:05 (0) ** WINMGMT: .......................................................................................................... 0. 43067 14:56:05 (0) ** WMIADAPTER: ....................................................................................................... 0. 43068 14:56:05 (0) ** 43069 14:56:05 (0) ** # of additional Event Log events AFTER WMIDiag execution: 43070 14:56:05 (0) ** DCOM: ............................................................................................................. 0. 43071 14:56:05 (0) ** WINMGMT: .......................................................................................................... 0. 43072 14:56:05 (0) ** WMIADAPTER: ....................................................................................................... 0. 43073 14:56:05 (0) ** 43074 14:56:05 (0) ** 52 error(s) 0x80041003 - (WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) Current user does not have permission to perform the action 43075 14:56:05 (0) ** => This error is typically due to insufficient or restricted permissions in the examined system. 43076 14:56:05 (0) ** => ENSURE you are a Full Administrator of the examined system, if the WMI provider or the 43077 14:56:05 (0) ** WMI system security do not enforce any restrictions. 43078 14:56:05 (0) ** 43079 14:56:05 (0) ** 43080 14:56:05 (0) ** 1 error(s) 0x8004100E - (WBEM_E_INVALID_NAMESPACE) Namespace specified cannot be found 43081 14:56:05 (0) ** 43082 14:56:05 (0) ** 2 error(s) 0x80041002 - (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) Object cannot be found 43083 14:56:05 (0) ** => This error is typically a WMI error. This WMI error is due to: 43084 14:56:05 (0) ** - a missing WMI class definition or object. 43085 14:56:05 (0) ** (See any GET, ENUMERATION, EXECQUERY and GET VALUE operation failures). 43086 14:56:05 (0) ** You can correct the missing class definitions by: 43087 14:56:05 (0) ** - Manually recompiling the MOF file(s) with the 'MOFCOMP ' command. 43088 14:56:05 (0) ** Note: You can build a list of classes in relation with their WMI provider and MOF file with WMIDiag. 43089 14:56:05 (0) ** (This list can be built on a similar and working WMI Windows installation) 43090 14:56:05 (0) ** The following command line must be used: 43091 14:56:05 (0) ** i.e. 'WMIDiag CorrelateClassAndProvider' 43092 14:56:05 (0) ** Note: When a WMI performance class is missing, you can manually resynchronize performance counters 43093 14:56:05 (0) ** with WMI by starting the ADAP process. 43094 14:56:05 (0) ** - a WMI repository corruption. 43095 14:56:05 (0) ** In such a case, you must rerun WMIDiag with 'WriteInRepository' parameter 43096 14:56:05 (0) ** to validate the WMI repository operations. 43097 14:56:05 (0) ** Note: ENSURE you are an administrator with FULL access to WMI EVERY namespaces of the computer before 43098 14:56:05 (0) ** executing the WriteInRepository command. To write temporary data from the Root namespace, use: 43099 14:56:05 (0) ** i.e. 'WMIDiag WriteInRepository=Root' 43100 14:56:05 (0) ** - If the WriteInRepository command fails, while being an Administrator with ALL accesses to ALL namespaces 43101 14:56:05 (0) ** the WMI repository must be reconstructed. 43102 14:56:05 (0) ** Note: The WMI repository reconstruction requires to locate all MOF files needed to rebuild the repository, 43103 14:56:05 (0) ** otherwise some applications may fail after the reconstruction. 43104 14:56:05 (0) ** This can be achieved with the following command: 43105 14:56:05 (0) ** i.e. 'WMIDiag ShowMOFErrors' 43106 14:56:05 (0) ** Note: The repository reconstruction must be a LAST RESORT solution and ONLY after executing 43107 14:56:05 (0) ** ALL fixes previously mentioned. 43108 14:56:05 (2) !! WARNING: Static information stored by external applications in the repository will be LOST! (i.e. SMS Inventory) 43109 14:56:05 (0) ** 43110 14:56:05 (0) ** 43111 14:56:05 (0) ** 1 error(s) 0x80041001 - (WBEM_E_FAILED) Call failed 43112 14:56:05 (0) ** => This error is typically a WMI system error. WMI system errors can find their origins in: 43113 14:56:05 (0) ** - Failing WMI system components (see any missing WMI system files or DCOM registration 43114 14:56:05 (0) ** issues previously mentioned). 43115 14:56:05 (0) ** - Failing WMI providers (see any WMI provider DCOM registration 43116 14:56:05 (0) ** issues previously mentioned). 43117 14:56:05 (0) ** - Failing operation in WMI providers because the underlying component queried by the WMI 43118 14:56:05 (0) ** provider is not available (i.e. not installed, not running or not available). 43119 14:56:05 (0) ** - Corrupted WMI repository. 43120 14:56:05 (0) ** - Validating the repository consistency. In such a case, you must rerun WMIDiag with 'WriteInRepository' parameter 43121 14:56:05 (0) ** to validate the WMI repository operations. 43122 14:56:05 (0) ** Note: ENSURE you are an administrator with FULL access to WMI EVERY namespaces of the computer before 43123 14:56:05 (0) ** executing the WriteInRepository command. To write temporary data from the Root namespace, use: 43124 14:56:05 (0) ** i.e. 'WMIDiag WriteInRepository=Root' 43125 14:56:05 (0) ** - If the WriteInRepository command fails, while being an Administrator with ALL accesses to ALL namespaces 43126 14:56:05 (0) ** the WMI repository must be reconstructed. 43127 14:56:05 (0) ** Note: The WMI repository reconstruction requires to locate all MOF files needed to rebuild the repository, 43128 14:56:05 (0) ** otherwise some applications may fail after the reconstruction. 43129 14:56:05 (0) ** This can be achieved with the following command: 43130 14:56:05 (0) ** i.e. 'WMIDiag ShowMOFErrors' 43131 14:56:05 (0) ** Note: The repository reconstruction must be a LAST RESORT solution and ONLY after executing 43132 14:56:05 (0) ** ALL fixes previously mentioned. 43133 14:56:05 (2) !! WARNING: Static information stored by external applications in the repository will be LOST! (i.e. SMS Inventory) 43134 14:56:05 (0) ** 43135 14:56:05 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43136 14:56:05 (0) ** WMI Registry key setup: ............................................................................................. OK. 43137 14:56:05 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43138 14:56:05 (1) !! ERROR: MOF file(s) referenced in the Auto-Recovery list can't be found on the disk: ................................. 106 ERROR(S)! 43139 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\CIMWIN32.MFL 43140 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WMIPCIMA.MFL 43141 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\SECRCW32.MFL 43142 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\SUBSCRPT.MFL 43143 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\NCPROV.MFL 43144 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\SYSTEM.MFL 43145 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\INTEROP.MFL 43146 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\SCRCONS.MFL 43147 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\SMTPCONS.MFL 43148 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WBEMCONS.MFL 43149 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WMI.MFL 43150 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WIN32_PRINTER.MFL 43151 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WFS.MFL 43152 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\CLI.MFL 43153 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\CLIEGALIASES.MFL 43154 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\KRNLPROV.MFL 43155 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WMITIMEP.MFL 43156 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\REGEVENT.MFL 43157 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\DSPROV.MFL 43158 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WMIPIPRT.MFL 43159 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WMIPJOBJ.MFL 43160 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\NTEVT.MFL 43161 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\MSI.MFL 43162 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WMIPICMP.MFL 43163 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WMIPDFS.MFL 43164 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WMIPDSKQ.MFL 43165 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WMIPSESS.MFL 43166 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\RSOP.MFL 43167 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WGXINSTALLEDGAME.MFL 43168 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\MSTSCAX.MFL 43169 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\MSTSC.MFL 43170 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\IRMON.MFL 43171 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\NETTTCIM.MFL 43172 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\NETDACIM.MFL 43173 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\NETNCCIM.MFL 43174 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\VSS.MFL 43175 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\VDS.MFL 43176 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WSCENTER.MFL 43177 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\IPMIPRV.MFL 43178 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\ISCSIPRF.MFL 43179 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\ISCSIDSC.MFL 43180 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\ISCSIWMIV2.MFL 43181 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WHQLPROV.MFL 43182 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\EN-US\PSMODULEDISCOVERYPROVIDER.MFL 43183 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\MSDTCWMI.MFL 43184 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WDACWMIPROV.MFL 43185 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\NETEVENTPACKETCAPTURE.MFL 43186 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WININIT.MFL 43187 14:56:05 (0) ** - %PROGRAMFILES%\WINDOWS DEFENDER\EN-US\PROTECTIONMANAGEMENT.MFL 43188 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WMPNETWK.MFL 43189 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\PRINTMANAGEMENTPROVIDER.MFL 43190 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WFASCIM.MFL 43191 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\SCHEDPROV.MFL 43192 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\SMBWITNESSWMIV2PROVIDER.MFL 43193 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\NLMCIM.MFL 43194 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\XWIZARDS.MFL 43195 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\DNSCLIENTPSPROVIDER.MFL 43196 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\RACWMIPROV.MFL 43197 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\SPPWMI.MFL 43198 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\EN-US\RESTARTMANAGER.MFL 43199 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\L2GPSTORE.MFL 43200 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\VPNCLIENTPSPROVIDER.MFL 43201 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WINLOGON.MFL 43202 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\NPIVWMI.MFL 43203 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WUDFX.MFL 43204 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\HBAAPI.MFL 43205 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\RDPENCOM.MFL 43206 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WCNCSVC.MFL 43207 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\MISPACE.MFL 43208 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\PS_MMAGENT.MFL 43209 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\MSNETIMPLATFORM.MFL 43210 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\NETSWITCHTEAM.MFL 43211 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\NETADAPTERCIM.MFL 43212 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\NETADAPTERCIMTRACE.MFL 43213 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\FOLDERREDIRECTIONWMIPROVIDER.MFL 43214 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\USERSTATEWMIPROVIDER.MFL 43215 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\PCSVDEVICE.MFL 43216 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\NETTCPIP.MFL 43217 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\SMBWMIV2.MFL 43218 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\SR.MFL 43219 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\MSFEEDSBS.MFL 43220 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\POWERWMIPROVIDER.MFL 43221 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\MDMSETTINGSPROV.MFL 43222 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\RDPCORE.MFL 43223 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\QOSWMI.MFL 43224 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\QOSWMITRC.MFL 43225 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\WUDFX02000.MFL 43226 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\USERPROFILEWMIPROVIDER.MFL 43227 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\USERPROFILECONFIGURATIONWMIPROVIDER.MFL 43228 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\APPBACKGROUNDTASK.MFL 43229 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\MSFEEDS.MFL 43230 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\DSCCORECONFPROV.MFL 43231 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\MDMAPPPROV.MFL 43232 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\FILETRACE.MFL 43233 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\STORAGEWMI.MFL 43234 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\STORAGEWMI_PASSTHRU.MFL 43235 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\DSCCORE.MFL 43236 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\CIMDMTF.MFL 43237 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\POWERMETERPROVIDER.MFL 43238 14:56:05 (0) ** - %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EN-US\PROFILEASSOCIATIONPROVIDER.MFL 43239 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROSOFT SQL SERVER\110\SHARED\SQLMGMPROVIDERXPSP2UP.MOF 43240 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROSOFT SQL SERVER\110\SHARED\1033\SQLMGMPROVIDER.MFL 43241 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT SQL SERVER\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\BINN\XESQLPKG.MOF 43242 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT SQL SERVER\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\BINN\XESQLMINPKG.MOF 43243 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT SQL SERVER\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\BINN\XESOSPKG.MOF 43244 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT SQL SERVER\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\BINN\XEPKG0.MOF 43245 14:56:05 (0) ** => After fixing all other issues previously mentioned, if the WMI repository is rebuilt, 43246 14:56:05 (0) ** the listed MOF file(s) will not be recompiled, and therefore the definition they contain 43247 14:56:05 (0) ** will not be available in the WMI repository. 43248 14:56:05 (0) ** => You must retrieve a copy of the missing MOF file(s) unless these were uninstalled with 43249 14:56:05 (0) ** an application or were intentionally deleted. 43250 14:56:05 (0) ** 43251 14:56:05 (1) !! ERROR: MOF file(s) present in the WBEM folder not referenced in the Auto-Recovery list: ............................. 37 ERROR(S)! 43252 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\APPBACKGROUNDTASK_UNINSTALL.MOF 43253 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\DNSCLIENTPSPROVIDER_UNINSTALL.MOF 43254 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EMBEDDEDLOCKDOWNWMI_UNINSTALL.MOF 43255 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\ISCSIREM.MOF 43256 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\ISCSIWMIV2_UNINSTALL.MOF 43257 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\MDMAPPPROV_UNINSTALL.MOF 43258 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\MDMSETTINGSPROV_UNINSTALL.MOF 43259 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\MISPACE_UNINSTALL.MOF 43260 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NDISTRACE.MOF 43261 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NETADAPTERCIMTRACEUNINSTALL.MOF 43262 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NETADAPTERCIM_UNINSTALL.MOF 43263 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NETDACIM_UNINSTALL.MOF 43264 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NETNCCIM_UNINSTALL.MOF 43265 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NETPEERDISTCIM_UNINSTALL.MOF 43266 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NETTCPIP_UNINSTALL.MOF 43267 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NETTTCIM_UNINSTALL.MOF 43268 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NLMCIM_UNINSTALL.MOF 43269 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\OFFLINEFILESCONFIGURATIONWMIPROVIDER_UNINSTALL.MOF 43270 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\OFFLINEFILESWMIPROVIDER_UNINSTALL.MOF 43271 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PCSVDEVICE_UNINSTALL.MOF 43272 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\POLPROC.MOF 43273 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\POLPROU.MOF 43274 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\POWERWMIPROVIDER_UNINSTALL.MOF 43275 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\QOSWMITRC_UNINSTALL.MOF 43276 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\QOSWMI_UNINSTALL.MOF 43277 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\STORAGEWMI_PASSTHRU_UNINSTALL.MOF 43278 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\STORAGEWMI_UNINSTALL.MOF 43279 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\VPNCLIENTPSPROVIDER_UNINSTALL.MOF 43280 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WDACWMIPROV_UNINSTALL.MOF 43281 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WDF01000UNINSTALL.MOF 43282 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WFASCIM_UNINSTALL.MOF 43283 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WIN32_ENCRYPTABLEVOLUMEUNINSTALL.MOF 43284 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WINSATUNINSTALL.MOF 43285 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WPCUNINST.MOF 43286 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WSMAGENTUNINSTALL.MOF 43287 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WUDFX02000UNINSTALL.MOF 43288 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WUDFXUNINSTALL.MOF 43289 14:56:05 (0) ** => After fixing all other issues previously mentioned, if the WMI repository is rebuilt, 43290 14:56:05 (0) ** the listed MOF file(s) will not be recompiled, and therefore the definition they contain 43291 14:56:05 (0) ** will not be available in the WMI repository. 43292 14:56:05 (0) ** => You must manually recompile the MOF file(s) with the 'MOFCOMP.EXE ' command. 43293 14:56:05 (0) ** => If you want the MOF file(s) to be part of the Auto-Recovery list, make sure the 43294 14:56:05 (0) ** statement '#PRAGMA AUTORECOVER' is included. 43295 14:56:05 (0) ** Note: MOF file(s) marked with (*) are NEVER included AT SETUP in the auto-recovery process. 43296 14:56:05 (0) ** MOF file(s) containing UNINSTALL statements (i.e. '#PRAGMA DELETECLASS') should NEVER be included in the auto-recovery process. 43297 14:56:05 (0) ** Refer to the list of MOF files below NOT containing the '#PRAGMA AUTORECOVER' statement' for more information. 43298 14:56:05 (0) ** 43299 14:56:05 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43300 14:56:05 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43301 14:56:05 (2) !! WARNING: MOF file(s) not containing the '#PRAGMA AUTORECOVER' statement: ............................................ 152 FILE(S)! 43302 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\APPBACKGROUNDTASK_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43303 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\DNSCLIENTPSPROVIDER_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43304 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EMBEDDEDLOCKDOWNWMI_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43305 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\ISCSIREM.MOF (DELETE) 43306 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\ISCSIWMIV2_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43307 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\MDMSETTINGSPROV_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43308 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\MISPACE_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43309 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NETADAPTERCIMTRACEUNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43310 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NETADAPTERCIM_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43311 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NETDACIM_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43312 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NETNCCIM_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43313 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NETPEERDISTCIM_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43314 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NETTCPIP_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43315 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NETTTCIM_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43316 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NLMCIM_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43317 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\OFFLINEFILESCONFIGURATIONWMIPROVIDER_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43318 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PCSVDEVICE_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43319 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\POLPROC.MOF 43320 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\POLPROU.MOF 43321 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\POWERWMIPROVIDER_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43322 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\QOSWMITRC_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43323 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\QOSWMI_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43324 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\STORAGEWMI_PASSTHRU_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43325 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\STORAGEWMI_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43326 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\VPNCLIENTPSPROVIDER_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43327 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WDACWMIPROV_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43328 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WFASCIM_UNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43329 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WIN32_ENCRYPTABLEVOLUMEUNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43330 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WINSATUNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43331 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WSMAGENTUNINSTALL.MOF (DELETE) 43332 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\TCPIP.MOF (*) 43333 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\QMGR.MOF (*) 43334 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\MMC.MOF (*) 43335 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NCSI.MOF (*) 43336 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NLASVC.MOF (*) 43337 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\TSPKG.MOF (*) 43338 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\SERVICES.MOF (*) 43339 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\DRVINST.MOF (*) 43340 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\UMPNPMGR.MOF (*) 43341 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WMP.MOF (*) 43342 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\MOUNTMGR.MOF (*) 43343 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WFS.MOF (*) 43344 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PRINTFILTERPIPELINESVC.MOF (*) 43345 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WPC.MOF (*) 43346 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\IRMON.MOF (*) 43347 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NEWDEV.MOF (*) 43348 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\RESTARTMANAGER.MOF (*) 43349 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WPD_CI.MOF (*) 43350 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WINSAT.MOF (*) 43351 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\FUNDISC.MOF (*) 43352 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\FDWSD.MOF (*) 43353 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\FDSSDP.MOF (*) 43354 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\UMB.MOF (*) 43355 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\UMBUS.MOF (*) 43356 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\UMPASS.MOF (*) 43357 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\SCHANNEL.MOF (*) 43358 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\RDPENCOM.MOF (*) 43359 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\P2P-MESH.MOF (*) 43360 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\P2P-PNRP.MOF (*) 43361 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\IPSECSVC.MOF (*) 43362 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\POLSTORE.MOF (*) 43363 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WINIPSEC.MOF (*) 43364 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\SSTPSVC.MOF (*) 43365 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WININIT.MOF (*) 43366 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NETPROFM.MOF (*) 43367 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\LLTDIO.MOF (*) 43368 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\RSPNDR.MOF (*) 43369 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\LLTDSVC.MOF (*) 43370 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NETWORKITEMFACTORY.MOF (*) 43371 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WDIGEST.MOF (*) 43372 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\BCD.MOF (*) 43373 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NTFS.MOF (*) 43374 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\SETUPAPI.MOF (*) 43375 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\DIMSJOB.MOF (*) 43376 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WSMAUTO.MOF (*) 43377 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\XWIZARDS.MOF (*) 43378 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\IPMIDTRC.MOF (*) 43379 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\IPMIPTRC.MOF (*) 43380 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\MICROSOFT-WINDOWS-REMOTE-FILESYSTEM.MOF (*) 43381 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WHQLPROV.MOF (*) 43382 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WINLOGON.MOF (*) 43383 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\SDBUS.MOF (*) 43384 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\MSISCSI.MOF (*) 43385 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\DIMSROAM.MOF (*) 43386 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\RDPCORE.MOF (*) 43387 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\IMAPIV2-BASE.MOF (*) 43388 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\IMAPIV2-FILESYSTEMSUPPORT.MOF (*) 43389 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\IMAPIV2-LEGACYSHIM.MOF (*) 43390 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\EAIMEAPI.MOF (*) 43391 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\FILETRACE.MOF (*) 43392 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\FDPHOST.MOF (*) 43393 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\FDWNET.MOF (*) 43394 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\FDRESPUB.MOF (*) 43395 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PNPXASSOC.MOF (*) 43396 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\NSHIPSEC.MOF (*) 43397 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\STORTRACE.MOF (*) 43398 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\IRDA.MOF (*) 43399 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WPDSP.MOF (*) 43400 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WPDSHEXT.MOF (*) 43401 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WPDSHSERVICEOBJ.MOF (*) 43402 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\REFS.MOF (*) 43403 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\BTHMTPENUM.MOF (*) 43404 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\MSFEEDSBS.MOF (*) 43405 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WPDMTP.MOF (*) 43406 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PARTMGR.MOF (*) 43407 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PORTABLEDEVICEWIACOMPAT.MOF (*) 43408 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\FWCFG.MOF (*) 43409 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\AUTHFWCFG.MOF (*) 43410 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WFP.MOF (*) 43411 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WPDCOMP.MOF (*) 43412 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\MSFEEDS.MOF (*) 43413 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WPDBUSENUM.MOF (*) 43414 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WPDFS.MOF (*) 43415 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WLAN.MOF (*) 43416 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\LSASRV.MOF (*) 43417 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\TSMF.MOF (*) 43418 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\SAMSRV.MOF (*) 43419 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\MPSSVC.MOF (*) 43420 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\MPSDRV.MOF (*) 43421 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\FIREWALLAPI.MOF (*) 43422 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WFAPIGP.MOF (*) 43423 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PORTABLEDEVICEAPI.MOF (*) 43424 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PORTABLEDEVICETYPES.MOF (*) 43425 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PORTABLEDEVICECLASSEXTENSION.MOF (*) 43426 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PORTABLEDEVICECONNECTAPI.MOF (*) 43427 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\WCNCSVC.MOF (*) 43428 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PORTABLEDEVICEWMDRM.MOF (*) 43429 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\MSWMDM.MOF (*) 43430 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\SCRCONS.MFL (*) 43431 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\SMTPCONS.MFL (*) 43432 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\WBEMCONS.MFL (*) 43433 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\WFS.MFL (*) 43434 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\IRMON.MFL (*) 43435 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\WHQLPROV.MFL (*) 43436 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\WININIT.MFL (*) 43437 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\XWIZARDS.MFL (*) 43438 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\RDPENCOM.MFL (*) 43439 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\PL-PL\RESTARTMANAGER.MFL (*) 43440 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\L2GPSTORE.MFL (*) 43441 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\WINLOGON.MFL (*) 43442 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\MSFEEDSBS.MFL (*) 43443 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\WCNCSVC.MFL (*) 43444 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\FILETRACE.MFL (*) 43445 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\MSFEEDS.MFL (*) 43446 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\RDPCORE.MFL (*) 43447 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\MICROSOFT-WINDOWS-OFFLINEFILES.MFL (*) 43448 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\MICROSOFT-WINDOWS-OFFLINEFILES.MOF (*) 43449 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\OFFLINEFILESWMIPROVIDER_UNINSTALL.MFL (DELETE) (*) 43450 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\PL-PL\OFFLINEFILESCONFIGURATIONWMIPROVIDER_UNINSTALL.MFL (DELETE) (*) 43451 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\MBLCTR.MOF (*) 43452 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\SENSORSCPL.MOF (*) 43453 14:56:05 (0) ** - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WBEM\SENSORSCLASSEXTENSION.MOF (*) 43454 14:56:05 (0) ** => MOF file(s) marked with (*) are INCLUDED in the AUTO-RECOVERY LIST even if they do NOT contain the '#PRAGMA AUTORECOVER' statement. 43455 14:56:05 (0) ** If the WMI repository is rebuilt, the listed MOF files not included in the AUTO-RECOVERY LIST and 43456 14:56:05 (0) ** missing the '#PRAGMA AUTORECOVERY' statement when they are compiled the first time will NOT 43457 14:56:05 (0) ** be recompiled during the repository reconstruction. 43458 14:56:05 (0) ** Note: If you want the MOF file to be part of the AUTO-RECOVERY LIST, make sure the statement '#PRAGMA AUTORECOVER' 43459 14:56:05 (0) ** is included and recompile the MOF/MFL with the following command: 43460 14:56:05 (0) ** i.e. 'MOFCOMP.EXE ' 43461 14:56:05 (0) ** 43462 14:56:05 (0) ** => MOF file(s) marked with (DELETE) contains class and instance DELETE statements. 43463 14:56:05 (0) ** Usually, MOF with DELETE statements are used to UNinstall components and they should NOT be listed in the AUTORECOVERY LIST 43464 14:56:05 (0) ** and therefore they should NOT specify the '#PRAGMA AUTORECOVER' statement. 43465 14:56:05 (0) ** Note: It happens that some MOF files do contain DELETE statements for installation purposes to delete 43466 14:56:05 (0) ** existing information before it is recreated. 43467 14:56:05 (0) ** 43468 14:56:05 (0) ** Note: It is also possible that the application implemented its own recovery mechanism. 43469 14:56:05 (0) ** In that case, no action is required. You must verify with the application vendor 43470 14:56:05 (0) ** if the application has this capability (i.e. Microsoft SMS) 43471 14:56:05 (0) ** 43472 14:56:05 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43473 14:56:05 (0) ** 43474 14:56:05 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43475 14:56:05 (0) ** ------------------------------------------------------ WMI REPORT: END ----------------------------------------------------------- 43476 14:56:05 (0) ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43477 14:56:05 (0) ** 43478 14:56:05 (0) ** ERROR: WMIDiag detected issues that could prevent WMI to work properly!. Check 'C:\USERS\MARCEL\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\WMIDIAG-V2.2_WIN8.1_.CLI.RTM.64_M4RTIN77_2016.06.08_14.47.31.LOG' for details. 43479 14:56:05 (0) ** 43480 14:56:05 (0) ** WMIDiag v2.2 ended on 8 czerwca 2016 at 14:56 (W:165 E:196 S:1).